Chapter 4: A Journey to the Celestial Realm

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With a sense of trepidation mingled with anticipation, Jungkook embarked on the journey to the celestial realm alongside Taehyung. As they ascended from the earthly plane into the celestial expanse, Jungkook's heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

The transition from the mortal realm to the celestial realm was a breathtaking spectacle. 

Ethereal lights danced around them, painting the sky with colors beyond imagination. The air hummed with an otherworldly energy, and a sense of peace washed over Jungkook, soothing the worries that had plagued him for so long.

Beside him, Taehyung exuded an aura of calm and reassurance, guiding Jungkook with gentle words of encouragement. "Fear not, Jungkook," Taehyung said, his voice resonating with warmth and kindness. "You are embarking on a journey of transformation, one that will lead you to a life of joy and fulfillment."

As they soared through the celestial realms, Jungkook marveled at the beauty that surrounded him. Celestial beings flitted past them, their forms shimmering with celestial light. Glowing rivers wound their way through the landscape, and vibrant gardens bloomed with flowers of every hue imaginable.

With each passing moment, Jungkook felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over him, filling him with a newfound sense of hope. Though he could not shake the lingering sadness of leaving his earthly life behind, he knew that the journey ahead held the promise of a brighter future.

And as they approached the gates of the celestial realm, Jungkook's heart swelled with anticipation, eager to begin the next chapter of his life alongside Taehyung, the water god who had offered him a chance at happiness beyond his wildest dreams.

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