King's Cross

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Alexandra confidently made her way on the platform, pushing her trolley along, which had several books, wizarding fireworks, dungbombs, and a wolf cub perched on top, with a silver name tag that said 'Alosa'. The wolf had grey eyes and light grey fur. One of the books stood out, a bright green book called "How to become Animagi" by Agatha Crouse.

To get to the platform 9 3/4, Alexandra strode to the wall, and walked through it like it wasn't there.

She emerged on the bustling platform, surrounded by wizards, and witches. "And I'm one of them." she thought happily. She could hear scattered voices all over.

"Move over!"

"You move, Ter!"

"You there, skeleton, move it!" a blonde boy yelled from behind her. She gritted her teeth. "What the bloody hell?" 

Then she spotted a girl, looking harassed. She had beautiful red hair, and icy blue eyes. Her trolley, which was weighed down with books, had tipped over, and she looked like she needed help.

Alexandra sped over. "Bloody hell that's a lot of books." The girl looked up. "Got a problem?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at her naturally messy black hair, and the wolf capering around her ankles. "Oh no." Alexandra grinned. "In fact, I think you're just my type. Need help with that?" she asked, extending a hand. The girl hesitated, then smiled. "I'm Zara. Zara Rosier."

"Pleasure. I'm Alexandra. Alexandra Black." She leaned downwards and began to pick up the books. "Is that How To Become an Animagus , by Agatha Crouse?" Alexandra asked, surveying her friend with new interest. "I have the same copy." "Wow!" she said. "So, want to find a seat on the train?" "Sure." she said. "Alosa, be friendly, she's a friend."

The wolf exhaled, like a sigh of exasperation. "Alosa." Alexandra said sternly.

"I apologise for her." Alexandra sighed, rolling her eyes heavenwards. Zara laughed. "That's a beautiful cub." she said. "I've got an owl. Her name's Midnight."

Then the train's whistle blew, and Alexandra and Zara ran for the train, Alexandra bumping into someone boarding the train, causing him to yell. "Watch it!"

Ignoring him, Alexandra skipped into the train, looking for a compartment. They found one with two boys in it. One of them had blonde hair and grey eyes, while the other one was dark-haired. and blue eyed.

"Yo-" but Zara didn't even get to finish when Alexandra. walked in as comfortably as if she was settling in her own house, plopping down in her seat.

Amiah noticed the blonde boy's face darkening as his eyes fixed on Alexandra. He glared. "We didn't ask you in." "I invited myself in." Aexandra said. "Got a prob?"

"Who are you anyway?" She glared at him.

"I'm Malfoy." He said, pompously. "Draco Malfoy."

Alexandra coughed, like she was hiding a snigger. "Think my name's funny, do you?" Draco said. "What's your name? Sod?." Alexandra smirked. "Actually, it's Black." she said, mocking his earlier words. "Alexandra Black."

"I feel bad for you for having such a hideous name. My, it suits you."

"I pity you for having such hideous taste." She responded. "If you think that name is so bad." "What about yours? Draco Malfoy, really? What possessed your parents when they named you?"

Zara wondered why they seemed to dislike each other so quickly. Meanwhile, she looked at the other boy, who was watching the two with amusement.

"He's always like that," said the boy. "I'm Terence, Terence Higgs."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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