the ego spectrum lvl 2

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Congratulations, you've made it. We are now at level 2 of the ego spectrum. To have ascended to level 2, you have now been blessed into a space time that is self aware of one's realm of possibility. Level 1 was to claim and to put your signature on everything you've done. But the realm of possibility is always greater. And what you can do, is always going to bigger than what you've done.

But it still belongs to you. We are not put on this world to drain every last ounce of our potential. Such ethic greatly endangers the inmate ability to recooperate. Hustle mentality is the very distraction from the realm of possibility, because many people believe that in order to live one's best life, one must live life to the fullest.

Don't live it to the fullest. Exist in it to the fullest. Life is such a passive thing. It's supposed to be. There are progressions happening in your life that are passive rather than conscious. What this means is that things naturally move on their own, many times without force.

But apart from passive growth, what runs even deeper, is the confidence of knowing what you can do. No one is meant to pursue everything. But for what they can do, the ability itself becomes the accolade that testifies in good grace of one's goals.

If you're reading this right now, I want you to acknowledge something you didn't do, something you haven't done. Whether it's something you still plan on or it's something you decided against, it was within your realm of responsibility. Claim it as I can. Claim it as I'm capable, I'm able to. The things within your realm of possibility deserve to be claimed by you. They deserve to be a part of who you are.

But let's reread part of my previous paragraph. I said that if it's something you still plan on doing, claim it within the realm of responsibility. Know that you can, because you showed that ability through other means. Know that the things you have shown that you can do, can reveal the potential to do even greater things. Level up from acknowledging what you have done to acknowledging everything you know you can do.

Because you're not limited to the success you've reached thus far. Your ego isn't limited to your last accomplishment and you have not peaked in your life yet. And that's it. That's the grand takeaway. The realm of possibility reminds you that you have not peaked and that you are very capable of more, thus expanding the ego spectrum to a greater desire.

So congratulations, you've made it. We are now at level 2 of the ego spectrum. To have ascended to level 2, you have now been blessed into a space time that is self aware of one's realm of possibility. Level 1 was to claim and to put your signature on everything you've done. But the realm of possibility is always greater. And what you can do, is always going to bigger than what you've done.

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