Chapter 11: What's In A name? That Which We Call A Rose

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Summit flew down into the garden, but as he passed the flowers started to wither and Summit paused and turned around as he heard something whispering behind him.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet." Summit saw nothing but this whisper continued. " But in Galaxy's mind, the Rose is but the perfect name, so any other name would not smell as sweet. As beautiful as a rose and as lucky as a clover, the child must be named after that. As beautiful as a rose, as rememberable as rosemary, as cunning as Clove, as lucky as a clover. Name her. Name her. The Rose, the Clover." Summit continued to walk and the garden continued to wither. Summit stepped into the hallway and turned around. The garden had not just withered but the plants had pulled themselves back to the ground. The garden only consisted of the large tree that Sky had swung on in his last moments on earth. Summit then closed the doors with one hand and locked them. Summit slowly walked down the hallways. He feared when someone would see Galaxy. He wished that time would never come. A familiar man walked out of a door and he found Summit holding Galaxy.

" What happened to her Summit?!" Tobias yelled as he ran over to them.

"She's dead. All of my children are dead. Where is my family?" Summit asked and Tobias took Summit down the hallway for a bit and then he opened a door and Summit saw his whole family around West's dead body. Ember was standing in the corner by a little girl who was about five. Then Ember saw Summit and his heart stopped.

"GALAXY!!" Ember cried and he ran over to her and grabbed her out of Summits arms. Elesia saw this and she ran to Summit and cried in his shoulder as she couldn't handle the fact that all her children were gone. Elesia kneeled beside Ember and Galaxy.

"May I speak with you Summit?" Tobias whispered and the two of them stepped out of the room and closed the door as Summit's family mourned. "I have good news. That little girl is slowly getting back to a normal rate of growth. I think she will stop at the age of 6 or no late as 15, because this spell is making her age triple each day. I put a spell on her that will make this process quicker than it was before, so we can get this over with. She will stop quicker than she would have before, and she will be able to be normal. Her highest age should be reached within twenty-four hours, maybe sooner. Summit you have grandchildren. Ivy is with child as well. That one will be as normal as you are. You have something to be happy about. You have something to live for." Tobias said with a slight smile.

" I know." Summit replied.

"She needs a name Summit. Ember wanted your help with it. After he mourns you can speak with him about that." Tobias added and Summit had a feeling he knew what the name was.

"Rose Clover." Summit named his grandchild and Tobias smiled widely.

"It's a beautiful name and it fits her quite well.".......

The next morning Summit was awoken by a panic outside his door. The door banged a million times.

"Open the fuck up!!!" Summit opened the door to find Ember standing there in frustration and behind him there was a very beautiful, cherry blonde, teenage girl. She looked like she was crying as she stood there sadly.

" She's FIFTEEN!!!!" Ember shouted.

" Yeah, Tobias said she wouldn't grow after that age. What's the problem?" Summit asked and Ember stood there with his mouth open for a moment.

"LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN!!!SHE IS FIFTEEN!!!" Ember persisted.

"Dad it isn't possibly as bad as you think it is. I won't grow as fast as I did any more. I will now be normal! It's good!" His daughter persuaded.

"You are three years younger than I am. If I were some random guy and not your father, I could legally date you! Its unnatural!" Ember yelled frustratedly. "If someone random would walk up to you and I hugged you, they would probably think I was your boyfriend! There would be no way that I was your father!" Ember shouted and then Summit saw his granddaughter looking upset and he knew he had to stop Ember before he said something he would regret.

" EMBER!!! ITS NOT HER FAULT, SO LET IT GO!" Summit demanded and Ember turned to Summit.

"Name her what you want, I can't do this without Galaxy!" Ember cried and then he ran off.

"EMBER COME BACK HERE!!!" Summit shouted after him as he left the girl alone.

"Your mother said that if she were to name you, she would either name you Rose or Clover." Elesia sighed as she walked out of the room.

"It's settled, your name is Rose Clover." Summit added and Rose couldn't help but smile at the name.

"Oh, I can't be held to a standard of such a beautiful thing. I also am not too lucky either. I was born and my mother died a day later." Rose blushed as she stood there.

"Your mother had bad luck long before you came along." Summit replied and then he put his arm around Rose and hugged her. " I love you"

" I love you too." Rose replied. 

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