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Cilia woke up this morning, with her room a mess.

"Are you sure you didn't leave it im the living room?" Jessica, her roommate says as she stands on her tip-toes in her silk pajama while looking through Cilias top book shelf.

That specific book holds a huge part of her heart because her dad gifted it to her days before he passed away. Hence, why losing the book is not an option for her.

"I'm sure I would've remembered if I had left it there." She says while looking through her bookshelf for the 3rd time.

"What's the name of the book again?" Jessica asks and pauses.

"From here to eternity. The cover is green." She says while searching through the shelf, pushing her glasses back on her nose-bridge.

She places her hand on Cilias shoulder, "We'll look around until we find it, even if we have to alert this entire building."

"That's a bit too much." She laughs while her eyes stay glued to her shelf, maybe thinking that she went through it too fast seeing how many book she owns.

Her room is basically turned into a library.

The ringtone of Cilias phone suddenly comes to life and they both twirl their heads to her bed.

Standing up from her crouched position, Cilia grabs her phone on the bed and looks down at the screen.

A call from an unknown number.

Her brows furrow and she motions the phone to Jessica, "Jess, do you recognize this number?"

"Nope. Probably a scammer." She responds with her chin on Cilias shoulder.

It can't be Daze either, she has his number saved.

"Just answer." Jessica says as she pulls her straight hair into a bun and takes a seat next to her on her bed. Cilia grabs her phone and then swipes right before placing it on her left ear.

"Hello?" She responds with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Hi, Cilia." A deep British accent speaks on the other line making her her eyes widen with immediate effect.

"Who is it?" Jessica whispers next to her when seeing Cilias shocked facial expression.

"Daze, hi." She responds as Jessica places her ear on the other side of her phone, wanting to hear his voice.

"Am I interrupting?" He questions when hearing the confusion in her voice.

"No. What's up?" She responds and Jessica gets even closer,

"Can you come down for a second?" He asks and Cilia looks at Jessica.

"Come down..." Her jaw drops in realisation. Jessica nearly stumbles on her feet when rushing down to the window to have a glance at who him, "You're here?"

"Yeah, I have a thing of yours." He says softly on the other line. Jesscia clicks her fingers at Cilia, causing her to look.

"Fucking hell, he's smoking hot." She says while peaking through the window with her palm over her mouth.

Cilia presses the mic against her chest and whispers to Jessica, "He wants me to go downstairs. What should I do?" 

"Go." Jessica practically chases her away with her hands.

"What? No. Look at me." Cilia whispers referring to her messy bun that has probably been stuck around the scrunchie and her oversized Henry Cavill t-shirt that has countless coffee stains on it.

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