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New York Times Square.

Coming from a quieter city in England, the never-ending stream of people, honking cars, and towering skyscrapers was a stark contrast to what he was used to back in Birmingham.

Though, he got use to it over the years.

Daze walks beside Cilia with his hands in his pockets, following her like a lost puppy in the crowded streets of New York.

Despite the clamor of honking horns and chatter of strangers, his focus remains unwavering as he moves with Cilia. With a subtle smile playing on her lips, she blends seamlessly into the diverse city life.

Cilia's soul is rather free as she walks with confidence, not a wrinkle of confusion on her face.

Cilia taps him on his side and he leans down to her height.

"What are your thoughts on the museum?" Cilia asks while looking up at him and he let's out a thoughtful sigh.

"Given that I've never been to a museum here, that was a great experience. It was very foreign art but fun." Daze stated with a raised brow at Cilia.

"So, to some it all up. You loved it and you would love to go back. No problem, Daze." She admits proudly with a shrug.

"Alright, let's hold our horses here, I still have to rate it." He responds, noticing her excitement.

"Go on." She says with her head high and a soft smile resting on her lips.

"My only complaint was that the place was a bit too crowded but over-all, an 8 out of 10 would be suitable." He settles it down and she slightly tilts her head to the side.

"You know what? I'm not mad. It would be better if you could just add those extra two points." Cilia purses her lips with her arms crossed.

"No, scratch that a 7. That Cristin dude was a pain in the ass, he ruinedmy experience."

"Hey, it's suppose to be an individual rating, that's not fair." She lets out a laugh, revealing the two dimples on her cheeks and Daze shakes his head.

"I noticed that you didn't seem to enjoy it as much, by easily zoning out at times. Thats negative two points for you." He states and Cilia tilts her head to the side, slowly blinking up at him.

"You're quite strict with your points aren't you?" She squints her eyes at him.

He smiles down at her, "I remember someone telling me to be brutally honest."

"I did but... pretzels." She suddenly blurts while zoning at something behind Daze with wide eyes.

"Pretzels?" He questions in confusion and before he could look back, Cilia grabbed a hold of his hand and pulled him to a nearby food truck.

"You have to try these, they're the best in New York." She advices excitingly while basically dragging him.

"Wow, what a beautiful couple we have here." The man inside the food truck grins widely at their hands. Cilia quickly glances down to notice that they are still holding hands.

With attempt to break their hold, Daze has other ideas as he intertwines his long fingers between hers.

"What are you doing?" Cilia whispers through gritted teeth while shooting a nonchalant Daze a look.

"Thank you. Anything you want to get pumpkin?" Daze asks and Cilia shuts her eyes in annoyance, cringing at the nickname.

"This is a pretzel food truck, if you haven't noticed." Cilia sarcastically says and he licks the smile from his lips.

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