I accidentally break the fourth wall

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Laguna stood on our couch like he was participating in a sit-com, with his arms wrapped around the couch like he was at home.

-Take your feet off my table before I break them.- Janko said immediately. -You'll get it dirty.-

-How funny of you to assume that you can break my toes." Laguna said, Janko then went and tried to break his feet, but his hand phased through Laguna's body. -Kid, this is a clone, you surely didn't think that I would actually go to your house, did you?-

-But why are you here?- I asked him. -You don't have a reason to talk with us.-

-I don't but the U.S Government thinks you are too stupid to do anything, so here I am having to explain to you that just because this is a magical school it doesn't means that we will clean your dirty apartments, you do it yourself, or don't, be my guest.- Laguna said, getting up and dusting off his inexistent coat. -You will also need to buy your books for the term, and before you even ask, the library is exactly three streets south from you, now if you can't see where the cardinal points are, not my problem.-

-Anything Else?- I asked him, Laguna then thought for a bit.

-Ah right, it's up to you to choose your rooms.- Laguna said, then checking his watch. -They'are all the same size, now bye.-

-I get the one with the window!- I said immediately. -I called dibs so it's mine now.-

-I don't care.- Janko said. -Just pick a room.-

We ended up with this assortment, Me-Sadie-Howard-Janko, with the bathroom separating Sadie from Howard, after putting our stuff in our beds, we quickly went to the library,which was just called "St.Harris & Neville Bookshop", inside the store there was multiple books about anything magical, you could see books about how to create Nuclear Fission in your home using store-bought ingredients right next to Evisceration for Dummies, easy to say that the for Dummies series had taken a quite drastic turn.

-So, what are our books?- I asked. -There is just a lot of books about magic, and evisceration.-

-We are supposed to buy the Easy Guide to Magic series.- Janko said. -But the school also recommends the Jurgen Muller Series.-

I nodded and then went ahead to buy whatever book that I could find about the subject, if only the bookshop had some signs or aisles for subjects of books, but instead of that I had to actually look out for the books, literally, as several of them were flying over my head, so it felt like a WWII Bombing Campaign with books.

After a few minutes, I finally found a book that I needed, the Easy Guide to Advanced Time Magic, just by the side of Babushka's Guide to 3000 recipes. Totally similar subjects. I then went around buying my books, when I went to the cashier along with the rest of the guys, they raised some eyebrows.

-101 ways to poison your neighbor? Babushka's Guide to 3000 recipes? How to turn into a Porpoise? What are these books?- Howard asked, checking out the other books that I picked up out of curiosity. -Oh no you didn't, guys, check this out.-

Howard then showed Janko and Sadie my books, and both of them started to laugh uncontrollably, even Howard was struggling to stand tall, I didn't understand what was so funny, they then handed over my books to the cashier, who also started to laugh at me.

-What was that about?- I asked them. -You acted like I bought the Oxford Guide to Deadly Jokes.-

-Barry, look very closely at any of the books that you bought.- Janko said, still laughing. -And then tell me what is wrong with it.-

I fished out the first didactic book that I could see, the Jurgen Muller Black Magic Book, it was a common black book with a picture of an old german dude and a 8 written right next to it, the guy was strange but I didn't think it was anything exceptional, Janko then showed me his book, it had the exact same cover...but his had a 1.

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