We find a Tree, with Capital T

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We continued to talk about the upcoming events of the School: The upcoming project that was to be announced, the Spring Fair, the Coliseum, the Winter Fest and finally, Christmas and New Year, apparently the later was two events in one, since students wouldn't be around for New Year.

-How are you doing in that new apartment?- I asked Sadie. -Is it too lonely there?-

-Not really, I have triple the space now, and my door goes directly to a cafe.- Sadie answered. -Do you want to go there? It has just the best scenery I ever saw!-

-Sure, best scenery looks nice.- I said, following her to the subway. -And a cafe can't be bad either.-

We took the subway directly to the Renaissance Sector, which was filled with Italian-styled buildings, we then followed her to a big park, which had a mound and then a very big tree, it went up 20 meters and covered the entire park.

-Now that's a Very Big Tree.- Howard said, amazed by the tree. -With capital T.-

–It is a Big T indeed.- I replied, nodding. -Is there even a tree this big?-

-That's not that big for trees, the Giant Sequoia goes up to almost 100 meters.- Janko said inspecting the tree. -For me it looks like a common oak tree.-

-Except that it is not.- Sadie said, pointing to the cafe, which definitely wasn't a tree. -The cafe owner is a Gorgon.-

We then went to the Gorgonbucks (Not a tree), which granted, was awesome inside, combining the Renaissance architecture with classical Greek things such as vases, columns, weapons and of course, Heads of important people, and on the counter stood a beautiful woman, except that her skin was green and scaly, her eyes were yellow and reptilian, her hair didn't exist, rather being a literal nest of a lot of snakes, she saw us and clapped her hands, which had claws instead of nails. A rattling sound could be heard behind her.

-Welcome my dear clientsssssss.- The Gorgon said cheerfully. -I am Stheno the Gorgon, and welcome to "Death to Perseus!", Laguna School of Magic, Swordsmanship and Demonology Branch, I am the owner of this Cafe brand and the manager of this branch.-

-Hi Stheno, I am Barry Chopsticks.- I introduced myself to her. -These are my friends, Sadie Cunningham, Howard Truman and Janko Kankunnen.-

The Gorgon looked at me with mild curiosity, then she slithered out of her counter and stared directly at me, and despite the myths I didn't become a statue of stone.

-Umm, shouldn't I become a Stone statue?- I asked her. -This was your thing, wasn't it?-

-No, that's Medusa's power, me and my sister only became those horrid monsters.- Stheno said harshly, she then grabbed my face to inspect further, and let me tell you, reptilian claws aren't nice, they're razor sharp. -Impossible, so this is what Laguna told me about.-

-Really? Because he told me that I am a common guy.- I replied, trying to get rid of her claws. -Do you always grab your customers?-

-You are too young to see it, so I won't spoil the surprise.- Stheno said, laughing like a snake, which is really hard to imagine. -But pardon my indiscretion, what will you want?-

-A Medium Black Tea please.- Sadie ordered. -Ceylon if you have it.-

-I'll have a Cafe Latte.- Janko ordered. -More milk than coffee.-

-A cappuccino please.- Howard asked. -And can you draw a Greek Monster in the cream? That would be awesome.-

-I want to know what that tree is.- I ordered, Stheno raised an eyebrow. -And also hot chocolate.-

-It will be ready in no time.- Stheno said, hissing to us before going to the coffee machine. -Asssss well asssss the ssstory you ordered, Ch-I mean, Barry.-

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