Chapter Eighteen

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Industry Baby - Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow

Payton, Now

"And the award for Most Valuable Player goes to..." The host opens the envelope, leaning toward the microphone to read the name aloud. "By unanimous decision, Payton Arlington!"

I reach to my right, slipping my fingers behind Grace's neck. She smiles with pride, brushing her lips on the corner of my mouth. I haven't let go of her all evening, but now I'm forced to. The audience booms with applause as I rise from one of a few dozen circular tables, and button my suit jacket. An usher directs me through the crowded theater. I snake around the chairs, jogging up the steps to the elevated stage.

The NFL Honors are taking place in Los Angeles this year—in the SoFi Entertainment District, right next to the football stadium

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The NFL Honors are taking place in Los Angeles this year—in the SoFi Entertainment District, right next to the football stadium. Fifty sportswriters decided who would receive these awards months ago, but the winners are never revealed until the day before the Super Bowl. My panel consisted of four other outstanding players, and the competition was tough. I had no idea I'd won until this morning, when a member of the board called and told me to prepare a speech.

I abhor public speaking. In school, I dreaded presenting projects to the class. Since then, I've become more comfortable in interviews because they're guided by reporters. I can answer a simple question, but performing a monologue in front of hundreds of peers is another thing entirely. Not to mention, there are three million people streaming this ceremony.

But then I remembered I have Grace. After my mother's memorial, Grace boarded the jet with me. All week, I've been commuting to the stadium for training and body work, then returning to Grace's beach house in Malibu for rest and relaxation. A few nights ago, Grace was my date to a team dinner, and she also stood behind the scenes when I was asked to appear on a late-night talk show.

With her support, I can tackle anything, and that reminder laid the foundation for my speech.

"Thank you," I tell the host, shaking his hand. He grins, passing me the Carr Trophy. It's a solid weight. I fasten my grip around the frame, taking my place behind the glass podium. "It was an honor to be nominated this year, especially in a category filled with such talent."

A slew of faces stares back at me. They're friendly, but expectant. I recognize a majority of the attendees, yet it's the table in the center of the theater that I focus on. Mason and Aidan landed yesterday, and managed to convince my father to brave the trip. Aidan brought his daughter, Josephine, with him to lighten Olivia's load at home.

And then, of course, there's Grace. She has her elbows propped on the table, her chin resting in her hands. She's leaning forward, adoration shining in her umber eyes.

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