Chapter Twenty-Eight

638 65 30

With You - Sum 41

Payton, Now

I'm in the center of the bare living area, combing through emails on my phone, when a piece of drywall breaks off, clattering to the floor. Blake rounds the corner, grinning maniacally, and wielding a sledgehammer like it's a weapon.

"Can I borrow this after the demolition?" he asks.

I slip my phone into my pocket, peering out the window as Aidan parks his truck along the sidewalk. "Are you planning a murder?"

"I'm remodeling my solarium," Blake answers with a dull tone. He rearranges his grip on the handle, his eyes darkening. "If I wanted to kill someone, I'd be more subtle."

A chill skates down my spine. "Remind me to never get on your bad side."

"Have you seen my face?" he quips, tilting his head to highlight his sharp, fashion model features. "I don't have a bad side."

"Very humble," I muse.

We're destroying Randolph Reeves's old house today. Mason returned from Florida last night, and he'll be here soon. Aidan is supplying the materials and know-how. Olivia and the kids are tagging along to watch the disastrous project. Given the family I'm working with, I'm certain there will be arguing as a result of too many alpha males in one room. There will also be embarrassing stories from our childhoods, a slew of off-color jokes, and an abundance of love.

Aidan likely needs help unloading the bulldozer from the trailer, so Blake and I greet him in the yard. We've blocked a section of the road to ward residents away from the construction zone. My gaze wanders to the dilapidated park on the other side of the street—in particular, the vacant swing set. A deep longing wraps its powerful fingers around my heart, and I rub my chest to soothe the ache.

"Hey, princess!" Aidan shouts. I glance up to see Olivia parking her massive SUV at the end of the block. "Can you keep the kids away for a bit?"

She sticks her head out the window, yelling at her fiancé. "You have about eight minutes before they get bored of Bluey!"

"Alright, let's get this thing unloaded," Aidan mumbles, rushing toward the trailer.

I've never worked with machinery like this, but Aidan knows what he's doing. As the owner of a growing lumber company, he's used to dealing with equipment that can rip his arm off at any second. Given my throwing arm is insured for up to one million, I'm careful as I remove the chains from the bulldozer's undercarriage. Aidan climbs into the cab, starting the engine with a roar. Once Blake and I are out of crushing range, Aidan shifts into gear, rolling the machine off the trailer and onto the grass. I have to admit, the way he handles it is impressive. When I glance at Olivia over my shoulder, the woman is practically foaming at the mouth.

"Okay, Livvie," Aidan calls, jumping from the cab. "You can release the hounds."

On cue, the girls pour out of the SUV, sprinting down the sidewalk toward us. Olivia unbuckles Sean's car seat, falling in line behind her daughters. Kendall arrives first, immediately climbing into the scooped blade.

"Can you lift me up, Dad?" she begs.

"Absolutely not," Aidan answers.

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