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Today I guess I'm more spiritual 

But guess I was born in the mid-2000's 

While dealing with witchcraft comments 

I'm now dealing with idiots being idiots 

Saying that I'm a boring ass generation 

Obsessed with my phone even though 

I'm depressed in the basement in my room 

And I'm made fun of for my love of a millennial 

Who does more than anyone of my generation 

Because she reached for the stars 

And they only ever reached for the phone 

I hope you know that I was born wrong 

And you don't even seem to care 

Because selective hearing doesn't even work with you 

Sometimes it seems like the world ended 

It ended down the street with your common sense 

And the world doesn't revolve around your opinions 

I don't understand how you are always taking offense 

When you use stupid words like rizz and not flattery 

Because your middle school self definitely is "hot" 

When it's actually not 

Guess I'm busy being a washed out GenZ 

When nothing but porn that gets too boring 

And men are the alarms I'm caught snoozing 

Guess I'm busy being an fucked up teen

You could blame it on my family's genes

But some people say it's because I'm GenZ 

Okay so Dennis, am I putting this thing out there or does it stay between us? 

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