Anniversary 💔

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( Jimin got an idea as he walked towards his boss's office before knocking it and going inside )

Suho : yes Jimin is their something wrong?? ( he asked being confused seeing Jimin in his office when it's time for staff to go )

Jimin : a-actually i wanted to lend some money from you because my girlfriend wants something and o wanted to buy her a gift soo can you please give me sir ??

(Suho looked at Jimin from head to toe before talking out some monty from his drawer )

Suho : I didn't knew you had a girlfriend too but it's fine take this money ( he gave Jimin the money as he thanked his boss before going outside)

Time skip

Jimin : baby seulgi I am home ( he said as he putted the cake on the table )

Seulgi: cake ?? Did you brought the cake ?? ( she said getting out of the room happily )

Jimin : yeah I did ( Jimin said looking at her reaction but Seulgi's smile vanished as she saw the cake , it was a two pound cake but a different chocolate cake )

Seulgi : I told you to bring chocolate moose cake , what did you brought ?? ( she said glaring at him as he spoke )

Jimin : moose cake was finished so I brought this one cake , i am sorry ( seulgi picked up the cake and throwed it on floor breaking jimin's heart , even it was not moose cake it was still an expensive one ,

And seeing that she just slammed the cake on floor without even tasting it hurts jimin's feeling so much )

Seulgi: eat it by yourself beggar ( she said and went outside slamming the door ,leaving Jimin who looked down )

Jimin : being poor is the worst thing ( he said )

Time skip
Next day

( it was jimin's and Seulgi's "Anniversary" as Jimin took out his all savings from the drawer he have saved little by little just to by a diamond ring she liked a day )


Seulgi : Jimin look how beautiful this ring is ?? ( she said pointing at the diamond shop from outside )

Jimin : y-yeah

Seulgi : I know you can't afford it ( she said mocking him as he looked down )

Flashback ended

( Jimin went in the diamond shop and buyed te diamond ring she like but he buyed a bit small size because he had less savings )

Jimin : I will surprise her ( he said before putting the ring box in his pocket )

(As soon as he came , all lights were off , he Started waking forward as he turned on the light switch , he saw something on the shelf onf the kitchen as he took it his eyes widen in shock )

( it was a pregnancy test while two lines were red on it , which means she is pregnant but Jimin didn't even touched her for a once )

Jimin : what the he....... ( the main door opened revealing seulgi kissing a guy more like eating his face , the guy pulled out revealing his face which made Jimin more shock )

( it was "Suho" his boss )

Jimin : S-Seulgi ?? ( he said as both of them lookedat Jimin leaving each other )

Seulgi : Jimin ?? ( she said setting herself as Jimin looked at her )

( she was wearing heavy jewellery which Jimin definitely can't give her , tears filled in jimin's eyes )

( she was wearing heavy jewellery which Jimin definitely can't give her , tears filled in jimin's  eyes )

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Seulgi: Jimin I fell out of love with you ......... I love him ( she said holding suho's hand )

Suho : sorry Jimin ....... I fell in love with your girlfriend..... seulgi I have to go right now ( he said and left the place looking down )

Jimin : you should've told me earlier , I l-loved you ( he said and went upstairs taking his luggage out )

Seulgi : you are kicking me outside ?

Jimin : Noo I am kicking myself out , I am not a cruel guy who will get a pregnant women out of his house ........... btw Happy A-Anniversary

Hi guys it's my first  story  in this account , actually my previous account was blocked or it had an issue ........
you might know my accounts famous stories
"She left me" , " faires vs vampires" and " crazy mafias" , I will complete those story if you guys want <3
( comment if you want

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