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Rosè : I wanna use the rest room I am coming ( she told as she walked towards the rest room , after a while chanyeol also stood up and went towards rest room , their were many people so no one noticed chanyeol leaving )


( rosè was washing her hands when she felt the washroom door being locked she looked behind to see chanyeol , she ignored him and was about to go when chanyeol held her arm )

Rosè : leave my arm ( she said with a stern expression)

Chanyeol: ooh you learnt to be angry ( he said smirking )

Rosè : mind your own business ( rose pulled her arm and was about to open the door when chanyeol held her hand and pushed her towards the opposite wall )

Rosè : are you crazy ?? ( she said when chanyeol held her both hands pinning them above her head , rose started struggling but he was stronger)

Rosè : leave me if Jimin got to know this he will kill you now leave me

Chanyeol: you were mine before and you are still mine , that shit guy is no one between us , take off his coat ( he said and throwed the coat away before he started kissing her neck )

Rosè : uuh , leave me , I was never yours , Leave me chanyeol ( she said as a single tear escaped from her eyes when he sucked her neck leaving a purple hickey )

Chanyeol : mmmmh so creamy skin , aaaah I wonder how beautiful you are down their ( he said and started sucking her neck again )

Rosè : Leave me ............... p-please ( she said as tears fell from her eyes )



(All were eating their food except Jimin who was waiting for rosè to arrive , 10 minutes passed but rosè still didn't came , Jimin looked around to see his front chair was empty making him curious

Jimin : who is sitting here ?? ( he asked taehyung who was sitting beside him

Taehyung : I guess Jisoo's cousin "Chanyeol" ( Jimin tried to recognise the name when he remembered that rosè told Jimin that she was engaged to chanyeol who is a fuckboy

Jimin : Damn ( Jimin stood up before rushing towards the rest room )

(Chanyeol was sucking her neck when he heard bangs on door )

Jimin : OPEN THE DAMN DOOR CHANYEOL ( he said shoring and kicking the door ) OPEN IT OR I WILL FUCKING BREAK THE DOOR

Rosè : JIMIN , HELP M......... ( Chanyeol putted the hand on her mouth )

Jimin : ROSÈ ?? , YOU .......... LEAVE her ( suddenly Jimin broke the door and he got angry seeing the sight in front of him , Jimin went to Chanyeol and pulled him by his collar before punching him hard )

Jimin : how dare you fucking touched my wife ( Jimin started punching him with his all strength as his lips and nose started bleeding )

Mr Park : JIMIn ?? Stop atop punching him ( he said and came inside running as all the people started coming in )

Jimin : I won't leave him , how dare he touched my wife ( Jimin said not stopping his punch's )

Chan Mom ( chanyeol's mom ): Mr Park stop him , he will kill Chanyeol , I know he is like that but please save him ( she said crying )

Mr Park : Jimin enough , I have called the police ,now leave him , Taehyung separate him ( Taehyung went and pulled Jimin backwards )

Jimin : you fucker I will kill you ( he said and kicked his stomach for the last time before Chanyeol fainted)

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