got love sick all over my bed

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Nathalie lays on her bed on her black pejamas with her kitty on her right side thinking about Hesperia. And he’s genuine nature he look so handspme and dashing and everything she’s ever wanted. It’s ahamesĺĺ that she can’t contect him but it also add to that mystery charm of his. She can’t believe that she will fall for hom so quickly after a guy from Italy silently rejected her. But here she is again getting all love sick all over her bed with a little kitten purring in the background.

Nathalie ask her cat” Hey Ivy , do you think i fall for him 
way to fast?”

Ivy just make het biscuit on a blanket.

Nathalie ask “ Wait are you actually cool with this?”

Ivy meow cutely (translation Yes hr’s remind of my i mean your dead fiancè)

Nathalie give her a hug and says” Wow this is the first time in 3 years that you are actually warm up to someone that quickly , the last time was when……he was around.”

Ivy climb on her chest abd purr softly as Nathalie pet her back. “ i miss him a lot i still remember the day when he brings you home as my birthday pressent and how were always acting like he’s misstress but he still loves me anyway.”

Ivy meow again (yeah human i miss him too it so sad no seeing him anymore)

Nathalie says “ We will hold on to his memory it something that will never leave us i might dreaming about him tonight.”

Ivy meow? (Are you sure about that or you gonna dream about that damn hunk of a hero)

Nathalie smile softly as she clap het hands to switch of the light.

Meanwhile at Gabriel’s apartment. Hesperia detransform back to Gabriel he hum a little tune while changing to his gray pejamas. Nooroo the butterfly kwami just floding in the background smiling at he’s love struck holder. After Gabriel is ready for bed. He flop onto his bed staring at the celling.

He ask Nooroo “ Do you think she liked me or she just flirting for fun?”

Nooroo replied “ I think she like you a lot well you as Hesperia of corse.”

“ Yeah i know”  he says He think about her dark blue hair with red highlights her ocean blue eyes that he feel like he might sinking drown and die , her attiar her incradible passion for fashion ugh not to mantion her kindness. Gabriel always know that she’s a kind person but for her to be kind to Hesperia the man that anyone else won’t let him set foot in their house is just something he can’t help but adore.

But than something hit him and that is the thought of Adrien and he’s late wife Emilie. Adrien is still hurt from his mother passing there’s no damn way he can go after Nathalie without hurting his feeling oh the dilamma.

Gabriel says out loud.” Maybe i should’s persue her.”

Nooroo ask” Why not?”

Gabriel says sadly “ You know why.”

Nooroo imediately inderstand what meant but he wanna make his holder happy and he may have a brilliant idea. He explain “ i may have a solution Gabriel what if he doesn’t find out like you 2 are go on are secret date or something so he won’t suspecious.”

Gabriel eyes lid up” Of corse and she will be safe from the bad guys too good idea Nooroo.” Gabriel give Nooroo a little high five before they fall asleep.

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