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The next day had officially arrived and it was the morning. You and Tsukasa just dropped off Saki at Miyamazusaka and now you're both heading to Kamiyama.

As the two of you walked, Tsukasa began going on about having rehearsal with his troupe after school. You stare down at the closed umbrella you're carrying in your left hand before looking back up at him.

"You realize it's possibly going to be raining this afternoon.. right?" You asked, tilting your head a little as you looked at him.

Tsukasa scoffed. "Well, keyword: Possibly! It's not a 100% chance, no?"

"I'll say that back at you," you mumble, "there is a plausible chance that it won't, but checking my phone... The percentage regarding the chance of rain around after school is rather high."

"Well," Tsukasa stammers slightly for a second, "whatever! It doesn't matter too much... I doubt it'll rain so there is no reason to worry!"

     "Yeah sure." You mutter softly, turning your head away from Tsukasa.

     The two of you eventually arrived at school. After switching out your shoes, you and Tsukasa walked up to the third floor as you continued to hear him ramble about his rehearsal after school more and more.

     You slide open the classroom doors slowly, walking inside. Tsukasa followed you in, smiling brightly as he walked in. As the both of you walked in, Rui was already there. He was sitting at his seat with a smile on his face.

     "Ah, good morning [Y/N]-kun and Tsukasa-kun." Rui said with his signature smile. Tsukasa returned the welcome to him.

     "Good morning Rui!" Tsukasa smiled brightly, speaking loudly. He approached the back of the class where their table was, but he didn't sit down yet. You slowly follow him, but eventually stop when you reach your table in front of theirs'.

     Tsukasa looked at Rui, about to say something to him about their rehearsal but Rui spoke first. "Ah, Tsukasa-kun. We may have to cancel rehearsal today since it's expected to rain."

     You look at Tsukasa. "I told you." Your remark made Tsukasa look at you, his face holding a displeased expression before also looking back at Rui who was chuckling a little.

     "It's not a 100% chance, y'know! Why are you both saying that like it will for sure!?" Tsukasa asked in a loud, annoyed voice.

     "Tsukasa," you murmur, "it's nearly a 100% chance; specifically a 95% chance. It's a really small possibility that it will not rain." You could see Rui nodding at your remark in the corner of your eye.

     Tsukasa sighed heavily, crossing his arms in frustration. "Whatever! Whether it does or not isn't that big of a deal!"

     "Uhm.. You're certainly make it sound like it is." You stammer quietly before sighing, sitting down in your seat.

     "Remember, to those who have the assignment incompleted: You must have it in by tomorrow or it'll be a zero towards your grade." Your teacher said shortly after the bell rung. "If that's clear to everyone... then class is officially dismissed for lunch."

     One by one, students began leaving the classroom. You stare out the classroom window, and into the hall. You watch Rui and Tsukasa go to the rooftop for the lunch period.

     After a few minutes, you're the only one left in the classroom. You decide to stay in there for lunch as usual. You pull out whatever you packed from your bag and place it on your table, along with your phone. Reaching for your phone, you power it on and start scrolling on it as you began to slowly eat your lunch.

     Once you taken the first bite, your mind wandered elsewhere, despite staring at your phone. When you realized you grew distracted, you placed down your phone and powered it off.

     You set your food aside as you began talking to yourself, feeling your heart and chest grow tight. You feel uneasy. "Why does my heart ache so badly..?" You ask yourself in silence.

     Minutes pass in silence, the only thing you could hear is the words in your mind. "Am I," you pause, "am I just.. lonely? But, why? I'm used to being by myself so often, so why does this sensation suddenly feel like a problem?"

     Those words rang loudly into your ears. The air and its atmosphere felt heavy, thick, warm... You're growing heated from your anxiety.

     You stare down at your food. "I'm so weird... It doesn't bother me, or at least I thought it didn't. I'm used to this by now."

     "I would have just had lunch with Tsukasa, but it would be so awkward with Rui there." You stammer. "I barely know him... I shouldn't even try to hang out with them."

     "The only time I'm never alone during lunch is if Rui's never here but.. that's barely ever." You mumble under your breath, reaching for your phone again. You turn it on, but just stare at your home screen.

     You sigh. "Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. I'm fine with the way this is, I am just overthinking about this."

     Turning on a video for you on your phone to watch, you begin eating again, trying to not think about that lonely sensation you felt. Even if your heart kept on aching while doing so.

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