Chance Forgotton

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Why must my love chase after you?
Do you not see the value you have in my life?
The fear of rejection hitting me like a knife?
Passing out, my face gone blue?

Why must I compete when you know I'm the one?
Haven't you claimed me as your favorite?
If the words are ones of feelings not returned, save it
My love is always shunned...

Watch as my heart commits suicide
Bleeding out for the boy I desire to call mine
I strangle the memories that made my affection shine
The taste of being ignored is bitter like cyanide

My voice, paralyzed by seeing you with another
One touch and I assume it's over
Drowning the tears I tried to cover
I go home, crying to my mother

How can I get you to love me back?
What do I have to do to hold you close?
Please see me, aren't I doing the most?
What in my heart do I lack?

If I can't have you, I don't want to love again
Can I please just steal your kiss?
Just a little bit of bliss?
Or will you continue to pretend.

Yandere feelings tempting my mind
Oh, how I would slaughter
I would simply be a martyr
Doing it to be kind

The blood on my hands is for you
It may not be there yet,
But don't forget
That it will be soon

But alas, my thoughts are bolder
I sometimes am worried when they conjure
But I can't hold my love in much longer
It is not something you can just shoulder

I would do anything to hold that handsome face
To cheer you up when you're sad
Placate me when I am mad
But I feel as if I have been put in my place

"La luna è bella, vero?"
Is what I would say
It means "I love you" in a secret way
Like I haven't been struck with cupid's arrow

I want to be your queen
The life in your soul
Ignite a heart made of charcoal
I want your presence to be seen

But lo, I am not deemed worthy of that stance
I am just another woman in your roster,
another loving heart to foster
But I could be more if given the chance


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