Chapter 6

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The priests murmured.

"They say she will accompany us to the kingdom and make herself known to the king."

"Who is she? Is she some kind of royalty from another country?"

As they traveled in the carriage, Frea had few more encounters with Diete.

Finally, at the end of the long journey, the carriage pulled up in front of the temple where they had started.

By this point, she had given up hope of ever speaking to her again.

Unexpectedly, Diete approached her.

"Frea, I'd like to say goodbye properly. Meeting you has made it easier for me to get here. Thank you."

"On the contrary, you have done me a great favor, and I thank you."

"You will make a fine priest, and if our paths cross, I will see you again someday."

"Um, Chief."

Frea called after Diete as she turned to leave.


"If you have a moment, I was wondering if I could see you. I have something to tell you about that power..."

Diete looked a little surprised, then smiled.

"That's fine. I'll stop by the temple when I'm done."

"Okay. Thank you."

Diete patted a smiling Frea on the shoulder and turned away.

'A would-be priestess curious about magic. She's a flexible thinker.'

Unusual, she thought.

Most people in the New World who saw magic for the first time were afraid.

Frea was the first to react with pure wonder, even though she was not a child.

It was the last stop on the pilgrimage, and the priests gathered in the prayer hall to say their prayers.

She was about to leave the temple to return to the kingdom.

"Sister Frea."

Mona called out.

"The Archbishop wants to see you for a moment."

"Yes, priest."

The Archbishop turned to those around him as Frea entered the room.

"Frea, you have saved my life and the lives of the pilgrims. Thank you."

"No, Archbishop. I was just lost, and she helped me find my way."

"Anyway, you're the one who led her to us. That's also God's will and your merit."

The Archbishop was silent for a moment, then said.

"Do you know who she is?"

"Ah... I heard where she came from."

"Magic... and you witnessed it too?"


Frea glanced over, and the Archbishop's expression was disturbing.

"Frea, have you changed your mind about becoming a priest? Feel free to tell me how you really feel."

Frea tried to say, "Of course it hasn't changed," but the words didn't come easily.

Her hesitation didn't stem from doubts about the power of God after witnessing magic.

Rather, she realized she wouldn't have the opportunity to explore magic within the confines of the temple.

"Let's put your becoming a priest on hold for now, Frea."

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