Chapter 25

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The temple of Lehen naturally commanded attention, given its substantial wealth that allowed it to support other temples.

Hence, the bishop of the temple of Lehen held the esteemed title of Archbishop.

Seeking guidance, Frea arrived at the temple and found herself puzzled.

'What a contrast.'

The temple here was scarcely half the size of Lehen's.

Approaching the male priest stationed at the entrance, she greeted him.

"God bless you. Greetings."

"God bless you. Are you a first-time visitor today?"

"I would like to access the temple's library."

"The library?"

"I have a letter of recommendation from the Archbishop of the Temple of Lehen. May I request permission from the bishop?"

"Access to the library is not granted through the bishop... follow me."

Following the priest's guidance, Frea encountered an elderly priest.

"This is the library's overseer."

The administrator listened to the male priest's concise explanation before addressing Frea.

"Are you a priestess of Lehen?"

"I once served as a probationary priestess in training, but I've been absent for some time now."

"You have a letter of recommendation?"

"Yes, here."

The administrator accepted the letter with a hesitant expression, unfolding it with care.

The library held a revered status within the temple.

While smaller compared to Lehen's grand establishment, the administrator took pride in maintaining its sanctity.

As he perused the letter, he pondered how to respectfully decline.

She lacked the official status of a priest, and her desire to enter the library seemed driven by mere curiosity.

It was not a space for idle exploration.

Suddenly, the administrator's demeanor shifted.

He turned to Frea, astonishment evident in his expression.

"Are you truly Gratia, the translator?"

"Yes, I am Gratia."

Frea was an honor student who excelled in her priestly training.

She was especially gifted with languages.

The temple at Lehen had a special department for translating, transcribing, and recording ancient texts.

Such esteemed roles were reserved for individuals of exceptional talent, much like Frea.

Among those most disheartened by Frea's departure from the priesthood were the priests within the specialized departments, eagerly anticipating the arrival of a promising junior colleague.

From a young age, Frea had garnered recognition for her outstanding abilities.

At the behest of the archbishop, she received a formal commission from the temple and commenced her work.

Under the pseudonym 'Gratia,' she translated and transcribed numerous books, subsequently finding their way into temples across the continent.

Spending his days immersed in the library's vast collection, the manager couldn't help but take notice of Gratia's contributions.

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