Chapter 8

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Frea underwent a rapid transformation overnight.

Her perception of the world expanded, her thoughts delved deeper, and from that moment onward, she possessed a newfound ability to discern something extraordinary.

When nine-year-old Frea awoke to Emily's presence, she found herself engulfed in pulsating waves of alternating gold and black energy.

As she beheld this remarkable spectacle, Emily's voice pierced the air.

「Frea, are you okay? What's wrong with her? She's not right! What are you doing? Get a doctor!」

Emily's aura, which was golden when she was looking at Frea and talking, turned black when she was angry at the people around her.

As Emily mopped up her surroundings, Frea surveyed the cowering masses.

They were all wearing clothes woven with threads of light.

Frea didn't tell anyone about the strange phenomena she was seeing.

It didn't seem right.

It wasn't until she took her time and observed for quite a while that she realized what the light meant.

The clothes of light worn by the people usually shimmered faintly, following the outlines of their bodies.

The light changed color and amplitude in response to their emotions.

This ability showed her a new world.

It was as if she had taken off the blindfold that everyone else wore.

Some smiled benevolently and radiated a cynical energy, while others spouted curse words that were the color of gold.

'I wonder what it was.'

Frea muttered as she stared at the mural.

The mystery of the day remained unsolved.

The next time she looked at the mural, it didn't have the same impact.

A gravelly voice rang in her ears.

「Are you going to keep doing that?」

Frea looked around the deserted chapel, startled.

'I must be crazy.'

She wrapped her hands around her burning face.

Why was she looking at the sacred mural and remembering the voice of the man in her dream?

"Sister Frea."

The call from outside the chapel door made Frea jump.

The door opened and she locked eyes with Emily as she entered.

"Why do you look so surprised, like a guilty person?"

"Princess, what brings you here..."

"It's been ages since we last met. Quite the reception, I see. I suppose my presence isn't to your liking."

Emily's words dripped with discontent as she cast a sour glance.

The priest who had escorted Emily to the chapel closed the door behind him, leaving the two alone.

"It's not that I'm displeased, Princess. Quite the contrary, it's a delight to see you. I'm just taken aback by your unexpected visit. You rarely frequent the temple."

"Not to say this in front of a would-be priest, but I don't like the sagging atmosphere of the temple. It gives me depression."

"Yes, I know, I know."

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