Chapter 1: Been Baby-fied

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(Hello beansprouts! Author here! This is a new side book. I will continue to update my others, this is just a weird lil book. There won't be any shipping in this. I got permission from Afternoonvibes_ to use "their lifesteal members as kids" idea. I got weird motivation while on a train to make a side book... anyways enjoy!)

TW! Cussing

(ClownPierce POV)

I've been searching for hours now. Where is Branzy? He isn't responding to his communicator... I continue to walk around the house aimlessly. Perhaps he's outside?I set down my own communicator before heading out to look for him.

I open the door and walk out. Where is he- "OW!" A pained cry startles me out of my thoughts. I look behind me and spot the storage unit. Is Branzy in the storage shed? I walk over to the shed and open it up to see Branzy hunched over. He seems to be super focused on something.

"Branzy, I've been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing?" I question him.

Branzy turns around to show me that he's been tinkering with his communicator. "I've been taking the communication device apart and researching into the server's code."

"Is that, uh, a good idea...?"

He smiles and chuckles, "Of course it is! Plus, hacking the server could go in our favor."

I nod and glance down at his disassembled device. "Sure, alright, I'll let you continue your weird nerdy stuff." I step out of the storage unit and close the door behind me.

"BOOM!" The whole shed shakes with the devastating force of a blast. I'm thrown back a few feet before regaining my footing. I throw back open the door and cough at the smoke.

"Branzy! Branzy, are you alright?!" I desperately shout at the settling dust. Hold up...I hear something. Is that...crying? The horrible screaming fills my ears. It's the sound a toddler makes when they don't get their way. "Branzy...?"

The smoke particles fully disappear and I'm left to gawk at the sight before me. The whole storage is a mess, and right in the middle of it is a crying child. Is that Branzy? It looks just like him, but smaller. "Uh, hey buddy, are you, uh, ok?"

The child continues crying and they speak through their sobs. "N-n-no! I'm small, and my head hurts, a-an-and-" He keeps crying. Oh dear lord, what do I do? I kneel down beside Branzy and scoop him up.

"Sh, sh, sh, calm down..." I run my hand through his tiny soft hair. "It's going to be alright." His big, beady, innocent eyes bore into mine. He sniffles and wipes away his tears.

"I-I-I don't know what went wrong! W-why am I so small? Or why are you so big?" The small toddler, that is Branzy, questions me.

I suck in a breath, "Buddy, to be honest I don't know." I try to figure out how to tell him this... "I think you became a child again."

His eyes widen impossibly bigger. "W-WHAT?! No! A-w-no!" He starts crying again and tears roll down his cheeks.

I immediately resume rubbing his back and caressing his hair. "No, no, no, don't cry please, please don't cry..." Baby Branzy starts to calm down, he breathes slowly. He then yawns slightly and stretches his tiny arms. His eyelids begin to droop.

"I'msotired..." his words slur together from the exhaustion. Another yawn and his eyes close all the way. Branzy's tiny hands cling onto my fingers as he snuggles up in my palm. My heart absolutely melts at the sight. I really should get him to bed.

"Alrighty, little man, let's get you to bed." I lift him up with both hands and carry him back into the house. I walk down the hallway and towards his bedroom. I turn the doorknob and walk into his room. I set him on the bed and pull the blanket up to his shoulders. "G'night Branzy."

I Sold my Soul when I had Kids (LifeSteal Family AU???)Where stories live. Discover now