Prologue: A New Beginning

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Y/N's POV:

"Hey, hey, hey attention please!" My friend Min shouted as he stood up on his chair almost falling over in his semi drunken state, " Let's all raise a glass for four years. Four freaking years of studying, tests, quizzes, assignments, and blah blah, but we finally made it! A new step to our bright future, so let's all raise a glass and drink while the night is still young, and so are we! Cheers!!"

"Cheer!" We all followed suits, clinking our glasses together and downing our beers. Placing my glass down first, I looked around the table at all my friends as everyone laughed and enjoyed the night.

"Excuse me, ma'am, another round of beer, please!" Min shouts again slowly stepping down while being helped by others, laughing at his behavior. I pick up my utensil and grab a piece of meat off the grill.

"So, Y/N, what's your plan for the future?" Another of my friends, Younghoon, asked as he finished his glass of beer. I thought about his question as I chewed, and it dawned on me that I hadn't given much thought to the future lately.

"I don't know really, I kind of fell out of interest in my major last semester, and I don't want to go into that field of work anymore," I said, placing my chopstick down. As the next round of beer arrived, I picked up my new glass and took a sip. "I still have the convenience store for now to make ends meet, but I do need to look into better-paying jobs."

"Well, if you want I could ask my dad for any available position at his workplace," Younghoon suggested, but I kindly declined his offer.

"I'm good, but thanks. I don't think I'm fit for recycling work hahaha."

"Sure you would, who doesnt want a handsome man picking their recycling with his big strong muscles" glancing over at Hoon, he had a stupid looking smile on his face and I could help but laugh at his comment.

"Just let me know, man. I'll put in a good word for you," Younghoon said as we laugh together. Reaching back into the grill to pick up another piece of meat, I felt a slap on my arms from Younghoon. Looking back at him, he stares at me before gesturing with his eyes at something. Briefly looking around, I saw nothing important until a group of girls caught my eyes as they stood my the entrance, and I notice one of them. Her beauty stood out amongst the group, and she had a different presence compared to everyone around her.

"Minatozaki Sana, the Japanese princess of our school," Younghoon said very closely into my ear. "Didn't you have a crush on her since the first day?"

Without breaking my gaze on Sana, I slowly shoved Younghoon's face out of my personal space as I continued to admire her.

'Wow... she here, right in front of me...'

Watch her group while they wait to be seated, I made eye contact with Sana for a brief moment and I felt my heart skip a beat. But our connection it was very short-lived as her group was moved to their table, far on the other side of the building. I letting out a heavy sigh, disappointed in myself again for not even waving at her.

"You should just go talk to her, what's the worst thing that could happen? She says no." Younghoon smugly said as he sipped his beer.

"Umm, yeah, that is. Then everyone would know I got rejected by her."

"We're not in school anymore dude, it's not like the gossip is going to affect you," Hoon stated, leaning back in my chair. I thought about his words and decided he was right. We're grown adults, and gossip shouldn't bother us, plus this could be the last time I ever see her. Taking a deep breath, I dramatically stood up, catching everyone's attention at the table along with a few others from nearby seating.

"I'm going to do it!" I confidently shouted

Walking over to their table, I felt my heart racing, but my courage couldn't keep me moving further once I saw her. As she smiled and laughed with her friend, my legs began to shake and crash wave of anxiousness swept me a away, quickly I turned on my heel and made my way back to my seat with the guys looking at me woth confused looks.

"I couldn't do it," I said in defeat, placing my head on the table.

"We'll maybe more beer will help you with that," Younghoon says as he holds his glass near me, picking up mine. We clink our drinks, and I slowly sip in defeat.

'Wish I could just get to know her... WHY MUST I BE SO LAME.'







End Of Prologue

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