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Sweet dreams,
In the night's embrace
They gleam,
But with dawn's light,
They stray,
Fleeting visions,
They gently sway,
In the waking world,
They swiftly decay.


As Evanna pushed open the heavy wooden door of ‘The Midnight Lantern’, she was greeted by the warm glow of dimly lit lanterns that cast a soft, amber hue over the interior. The bar exuded an air of old-world charm, with its exposed brick walls adorned with vintage posters. The scent of aged wood and whiskey permeated the air, mingling with the faint aroma of tobacco smoke that hung in the air.

The atmosphere was lively yet intimate. Soft jazz music drifted through the air amidst the sound of clinking of glasses and murmured conversations. Behind the polished bar, bartenders expertly mixed cocktails and poured drinks, their movements smooth and practiced.

As Evanna approached the bartender,
she was greeted with a warm smile by the bartender.
"What can I get for you, miss?"
The bartender asked with a twinkle in his eye.

She uttered a single word, her voice barely above a whisper.

Without a word, the bartender slid the whiskey-filled glass across the polished wooden bar towards her. Evanna wrapped her fingers around the glass, feeling the coolness of the glass against her skin. As she took a sip, the fiery liquid burned its way down her throat, momentarily chasing away the numbness that had settled over her. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the alcohol wash over her, dulling the sharp edges of her thoughts and worries.
Shot after shot, drink after drink, she lost herself in the numbing haze of intoxication. The noise of the bar faded into a distant buzz as Evanna's thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of emotions.

Five days had passed since the turbulent confrontation with her mother. Accused of a heinous crime by her own daughter, Mary Lawson found herself grappling with a profound sense of betrayal and disbelief. Unable to bear the weight of the accusation, that night, with a heavy heart and a resolve born of desperation, Mary marched into the police station to face Detective Max Hutter. The surprise on Max's face was palpable as Mary requested him to investigate her.

After three grueling days of relentless interrogation, Mary emerged from the police station with her head held high, her name finally cleared of the accusations that had plagued her. Mary felt a weight lifted from her shoulders, a sense of liberation washing over her. But amidst the relief, there was a lingering sadness—a rift between mother and daughter.

Despite the relief that washed over her, Mary couldn't shake the lingering sadness that hung in the air—a palpable rift between her and her daughter. Since clearing her name, Mary had become distant, her once warm demeanor replaced by a cold detachment. Evanna's attempts to bridge the gap were met with silence or a closed door, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever before. Each day seemed to deepen the chasm between them, with Mary avoiding any meaningful interaction with her daughter. The weight of Evanna's wrongful accusation hung heavy between them, casting a shadow over their once-close relationship.

Inspite of her remorse and attempts at reconciliation, Evanna found herself met with a wall of silence from her mother, leaving her feeling helpless and alone. The distance between them seemed insurmountable, a painful reminder of the damage done by mistrust and misunderstanding.

Amidst the turmoil of her fractured relationship with her mother, Evanna received a devastating blow—a court notice demanding immediate evacuation from the Lawson house. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, suffocating her with a sense of helplessness and despair.

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