I remember it All Too Well

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In the picturesque town of Mystic Falls, where the scent of blooming flowers filled the air and the sound of chirping birds echoed through the streets, a girl named Ariel embarked on a new chapter of her life. Freshly moved into a charming house with her family, she began the task of unpacking boxes, each containing memories of her past and the promise of new beginnings in this unfamiliar place.

As Ariel meticulously arranged her belongings in her new room, she glanced out the window and caught sight of a boy across the street. His hazel eyes were like beacons in the sunlight, and a smile played on his lips.

Ariel mustered her courage and ventured outside. Crossing the street, she approached the boy with a shy smile. "Hi," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. "I'm Ariel. I just moved in across the street."

The boy looked up, his gaze meeting hers with a spark of interest. "Hey, Ariel," he replied, his voice warm and inviting. "I'm Stefan but everyone calls me Jacob. Nice to meet you."

As they exchanged pleasantries, Ariel felt a connection blossoming between Jacob, a sense of familiarity that transcended their brief encounter. Before long, they were engrossed in conversation, sharing stories of their old homes and dreams for the future.

Dear Diary- Jacob seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place it anywhere. I decided to keep my suspicions under the rug so we could just hang out without any problems, but I needed to figure it out. Soon I will, with the arrival of the rest of the family coming up tomorrow I do not doubt in my mind that we'll be able to figure it out.

Sometimes I see Mom talking to one of the parents at his house, it seemed like they knew each other for a while but we'd only been here a few days. It could be an old friend from before but this seemed too deep of a connection. She's always over there, talking for what seems like forever.

Maybe I'm reading into this too much and she's just being friendly.- Ariel

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