I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now

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Dear Diary, Today is August 17th, We've made it to Mystic Falls safely. It's a few days before school starts. Mom says this school is different, that it's for people like us, she means the "supernatural". In my life, we've moved a lot and I've always hated school, no matter where I went, I've always hated it. At least I have Alison, Blake, Robin, and Ansel. We were all born around the same time, which made us even closer. While yes they are family they are also a part of my chosen family, or my friends you could say.

 Us Mikaelsons stick together no matter the circumstance, before we were all born my father probably wouldn't have hesitated to dagger his siblings and find a way to put Marcel in a coma, but kids complicate things for my father. He couldn't do such things to his siblings knowing they were leaving kids behind. Some consider it to be a weakness others consider it to be basic decency, some even praise him for it.

For the past few months I've been having the same dream over and over again, it starts off fuzzy as if I'm waking up and for a moment I believe it isn't a dream and that it's real. I look out my window to see a boy outside, he looked about my age or year or so older. He was yelling at brother or friend I couldn't fully make out whatever was said. Both of them were prettty cute. One more than the other though, I'd walk down the stairs to unpack some stuff from the living room when I realize that my headphones were still out in the car.  It was super early in the morning so there was a slight chill, grabbing a light jacket and a random pair of shoes. As I open the door I felt the warmth of the early sun shining on my skin. 

I walked over the car door and opened it, looking everywhere for my stupid headphones. When there's a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around. Lo and behold it's the guy I saw from my window. "You looking for these?" He says with my headphones in his hand.

"Yeah, thank you. How did you even find those?"
He goes to respond but that's when my alarm clock goes off and I'm awake. Every single time my dream always cuts off before he can say anything back. It's so frustrating because I 'm invested.
That's the only place I've ever seen him, they say if you see someone in your dream you'll see them soon so I'm patiently waiting for him to appear in real life but he hasn't shown so far. Maybe I'll see him at school? I guess we'll see. Anyway, I'm gonna go in pack some stuff. -Ariel

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