Upside Down

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My life was perfect until it all came crashing down.I was the most popular and most loved girl at CHEONG-LEE HIGH,but once my mom had passed away it was like I had lost a spark in me.That night was the night my desire to live had stopped.And soon I lost all my popularity and my friends.

It was summer break after 9th grade had just ended and it was night,my mom and I were watching a movie like we always did together when I went to the bathroom,but once I came back I found my precious mother lifeless on the ground with a knife to her chest.My only pride and joy was gone and all I could do was just cry.I can still remember how I was screaming and begging for her to get up.I sobbed over her dead body when the attacker kicked me and at that moment all that rushed through me was anger.I charged at the man and fell onto the ground with him.We fought and fought when he grabbed a knife and slashed my face.I couldn't care less about what he had done to me and kept on fighting when I finally grabbed the knife and pushed it into his hand.I managed to hurt him but he ran away before I could get him.

There,I finally got rid of him,but my mother...I need her...I can't do this without my fucking mother.She was they only thing that kept me going throughout my whole life.

If only it was me and not my precious mother.


It was the first day back to school and Mina was nervous as fuck.She didn't want to face her ex-friends that she stopped talking to as it would be way too difficult for her.She didn't want anyone to see the massive scar on her face so she wore a mask.

As soon as she got onto the bus everyone looked at her weirdly.A year ago everyone looked at her in awe and adoration,but know it was just almost like disgust.She took her seat and the old lady beside her asked "Are you sick? Why are you wearing a mask,dear?" This old lady was very loved in the community and both her and Mina were somewhat friends that always joked around.

Mina hesitated at first and it took all the courage within her to speak for the first time in an entire month. "Oh I'm alright,I just think it looks cool on me.Don't worry about me ma'am."
She said with a raspy voice.Her raspy voice was caused from all the screaming and crying she did,it hurt her to even speak.

"What happened to your voice? And I stopped seeing you and your mother go out,is everything okay at home?" Those words broke Mina so bad she just froze in her place.

A normal person would start crying when hearing about a loved one that passed away,but it's like Mina stopped having emotions or feelings.Nothing came out.

"Uhm sh-she's just on a trip to visit my uncle in Japan." Mina lied.She knew it was wrong of her but she couldn't help breaking the sweet old lady's heart on a Monday morning.


Mina was scared to walk through the gate of the school,she was terrified of what people would think of her now.But after thinking about it,she finally went in.

"Oh my god! What happened to her?"

"Did she get skinnier or am I hallucinating?"

"Her eyes look dead,is she okay?"

"Who does she think she is? Messing around with Sooha."

"Did she really go from the most loved to the most hated in a span of one year? That's insane."

"My friend told me that she heard screams coming from her house one night,I wonder what happened."

"Why is she wearing a mask? Is she sick or something?"

"She's such a bitch for ghosting Sooha like that,does she know how bad Bada and the group can beat her up for it?"

Students whispered to each other as Mina walked through the school hall,sure it hurt her but she couldn't be less bothered to even look at them.Suddenly she bumped into someone and once she looked up at who it was,she wanted to kill herself right then and there.

It was Sooha.

Mina just sighed and tried to walk past her but she was stopped by the older.

"Look who we have here,it's actually really brave of you to even show your face in this school.Because you ghosted me,I'm gonna make sure to make your life hell,Minari." She scoffed.Mina wanted to vomit at how much Sooha had changed since she joined the group. "Why'd you ghost me,huh?" Sooha asked. "Why?! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" She demanded answers over and over again,but all Mina could do was just stare at her while Sooha screamed at her in anger and shook the younger.

"Answer me you bitch!" And with that Sooha slapped Mina,making her mask fall off of her face.The slap made everyone go silent and all that could be heard was Sooha's heavy breathing.This was Mina's last straw,she didn't cry,scream or throw herself at the other.Instead,Mina just continued to stare at her,this time giving her a death glare.

She slowly turned her head towards the other,the scar now shown to everyone including Sooha.To say the least,it terrified her.The scar was huge and connected her ear to the corner of her lip.

Sooha stumbled back a bit when she got punched by Mina. "Fuck off." Was all she said before she got her stuff and walked off to her class,leaving Sooha on the floor with a bloody nose.


It was now lunch time and Mina didn't even feel like eating.All she did was think about her mother's cooking,it hurt but at this point Mina was damaged enough.

She grabbed her tray full of food and sat on one of the benches,she put in her earphones and started listening to music while eating her food.Everyone was staring at her and whispering about her,when she spotted the group her stomach turned.It grossed her out so much at how she had some kind of past with each one of them except for Bada.

She realized something about Bada and it was that she never got into any trouble no matter what she had done.She wasn't even wearing the uniform,she was wearing an oversized white t-shirt and black sweatpants.Bada's left arm was covered with tattoos and that was what made her and her friends stand out the most.

For some odd reason Mina couldn't get her eyes off of Bada,it wasn't like she was inlove with her or some shit but the complete opposite.Mina hated Bada's guts and if she had the chance to do her any harm,she would do it with absolutely no hesitation.

"What the fuck are you looking at? You wanna get fucked so bad,you slut." Bada suddenly shouted with a smug smile on her face,making the everyone in the cafeteria laugh,including the group.Mina felt humiliated and immediately looked away.

She held a strong grip on her fork,trying not to get up and fight the other.She sighed and spoke up.

"I wouldn't want to fuck your slutted out body.I mean come on,how many bodies have you got?" Jennie calmly took another bite of her food with a small smile on her face,turning off her music to hear all the gasps that students let out of their mouth.It was silent and Bada sat up as she clenched her fist,but before charging at the girl or saying anything,the bell rang.And everyone started packing up to leave,including Jennie.

"Are you gonna take that,Bada?" Jongin said almost laughing. "She's insane,that's why I left her." Jookyoung said after him.

"I'm gonna get that bitch." Bada angrily said before storming off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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