Resurrection of the Toilet

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Why is it ok Elmo? " you ask tears running down your cheeks 🍑, looking over to him, trying to understand what he's means by 'Why it's ok.'

Suddenly Elmo's face starts to contort into something horrid, something unexplainable.

His mouth starts to slowly extend up and around his eyes as they turn black, and you hear his bones cracking and contorting...

Into a monster.


Your adrenaline starts to pump through you, you feel your legs go cold and you scream out, "ELMO WHAT'S GOING ON??" You scramble to back away, staring horrified at the sight before you.

Elmo starts to grow in size, his bones lengthening and cracking as he starts to tower over you. You're frozen in place, his shadow starting to cascade over you, you're mind is screaming at you to move, to get out of there, but you can't move, at all.

Elmo smiles cutely, and in a terrifying monstrous voice he asks, "What do I mean? Whats going on? " mocking what you asked earlier, "SO MANY QUESTIONS, SO LITTLE TIME. AHAHAHAAAAAA!!!" Elmo screams and lunges at you, but he misses, he grunts angrily, because you decided to pucker up and slay as one should.

You summon your cracked diarrhea toilet and wind up to absolutely collide that thang into Elmo's back, Elmo realizes what you're doing and howls angrily, pounding his chest like a gorilla "I'M THE ALPHA. YOU AREN'T. " Not giving him a second to utter anymore bs, you whack that cracked toilet right into his back and it shatters into a million pieces, and Elmo collides with the floor.

"OWAHHHH." Elmo screams into the floor, as he has explosive diarrhea on his fur. As he groans in pain, you can't help but laugh. "All....I wanted..... " Elmo utters quietly. "Was... "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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