Explosive (Extended/Seperate Chapta)

177 2 1

Tw: Death

Having explosive diarrhea in Ted's toilet, your dream. While you pooped out another load you cracked the toilet. One crack after another you were finally done having your experience. When you went to flush the big load, you broke the whole toilet! Explosive diarrhea flowed out everywhere, the floor, ceiling, even the apartment below you! You smiled to yourself, looking at your legs covered in diarrhea, and put your finger in some of the desert and put your finger in your mouth. "Mhm! " You said

Ted came rushing in "what happened?!... Oh I see what you did 😏" His mouth extended into a large cylinder and slurped up the diarrhea gracefully. "Thank you for the meal! " He said happily as you both grabbed poopy hands and jumped of the balcony. While falling you saw the neighbor below you rolling and eating the diarrhea then you both hit the pavement and died.

Ted (Man With The Yellow Hat) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now