City - Chapter One

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Y/N's P.O.V

Opening my eyes laying in my pink and white plad bed, wondering about the dream I had. It was very vivid but I don't seem to remember much of it.. All I remember was seeing a black haired man that I met on the street and going back to my apartment and blasting Kpop..

Beep! Beepity! Beep! Beep!

"Okay! I GET IT!" You yell angrily at your alarm clock, punching the off button with your fist.

You decide to get up, set your sheets aside and open your white curtains. Walking over to the curtains tiredly, not watching where you walking and tripping over your big pile of clothes, resulting in banging your cheek on the dresser.

"Arg dammit!" You exclaim obviously annoyed. Sitting on the white carpet floor, you instinctively have diarrhea in your night jammies "No not again!" You exclaim seductively obviously annoyed that you had diarrhea on your white carpet for the 13th time this week...

You grab onto the dresser to try and attempt to get up but then you remember that you greased the dresser yesterday, your hand slipped and that resulted in you falling down again on yo buttom..

Ted (Man With The Yellow Hat) x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz