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- Small A/N: UHHH slightly longer chapter than usual but it's for a good reason, trust :3. Ignore if there's any typos or grammar errors, I'm way too tired while proofreading this and may have missed some while checking


Sounds of the bell ringing can be heard, calling a close to the school day. And just as you and Rui anticipated, it did end up raining — Not very lightly either.

Once you and Tsukasa walked outside of Kamiyama, you open your umbrella to shield you and him from the pouring rain. You listen to Tsukasa's complaining as you do so.

"Ugh! Why did it have to actually rain..?! And here I was hoping it wouldn't rain...!" Tsukasa groaned in annoyance, crossing his arms.

You sigh, speaking in a joking manner. "You're asking the wrong person, do not ask me; I don't necessarily control the weather however if I could I would still have it rain."

Tsukasa looked at you in frustration before sighing. "Let's just go get Saki! We shouldn't keep her waiting in this weather after all!"

"Yeah, yeah.." You mutter.

     As you, Saki and Tsukasa walk in the house, you lean up against the wall to take off your shoes so you wouldn't fall if you lost balance. Saki and Tsukasa also proceed take off their shoes too, placing them by the front of the door to the right on the hard wood floor. You then pull your phone out from your uniform cardigan's pocket before walking over to the couch.

     You slowly sit down, sighing heavily. Saki proceeds to sit down next to you with a smile on her face before Tsukasa approaches the two of you, standing in front of you both. He puts his hands on his hips as he began to speak in a proud tone. "Ah-haha! I'll make dinner! I'm sure it's my turn to do so!"

     Saki's eyes light up. "Ooh! Yay~!" You look up at Tsukasa, setting your phone aside for a moment. "You seem excited to do so."

"Of course I am," Tsukasa says, "is that a bad thing?!" He asks. You shake your head.

"No, I was just saying." You mutter. "Are you making what we had last Tuesday?" Tsukasa nods.

"Hahaha! Yes I am! Is that okay?" Tsukasa asks. You and Saki nod. He smiles at the both of you. "Alright! I'll get started! Let me know if you need anything!"

An hour and a half passes. The entire time, you and Saki are talking about your school days. You only spent so long on it because you both would sometimes grow side-tracked, but you both did not seem to mind too much.

Tsukasa looks over at you and Saki. "I have finished dinner!" Saki perks her head up, smiling. She looks back at you.

"Let's go get some food, [Y/N]~" Saki says joyfully. You nod, following Saki to the dinner table.

The three of you sit down at the table, and start talking as you all began to eat dinner. Most of it was Tsukasa and Saki talking, but you didn't mind. Of course, you weren't really excluded from it, you just chose to stay out of most of the conversation.

Once you finished your dinner, Tsukasa was already done. Just as you finished, about to take your plate to the sink, Tsukasa took your plate for you. "Allow me to do it for you!"

You look at Tsukasa. "Oh— Thank you, but are you sure?" He nods.

"Of course!" Tsukasa smiles, taking your plate to the sink. When he set it in there, you slowly made your way to your room to relax.

When you walk into your room, you shut your door behind you. You walk over to your closet and start changing out of your uniform, and into something comfortable. You kind of forgot you didn't change out of it earlier...

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