Katomo Haiki info

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Name: Katomo
Last name: Roy
Last Name: Haiki
Age: 17
Height: 5'6/ 167 cm
Species: Human
Race: Japanese / Canadian
Occupation: Assassin
Power(s): Weapons
Abilities: Weapon copy, weapon shower, weapons thief


Hair: Redish brownish hair, cyan highlights, two lower ponytails

Face: a little pale, strong cheek bones, acne scars

Head: two hair tips

Hands(left): none
Hands(right): none

Eyes: Purple eyes, normal pupils, purple highlights

English: Mara Junot
Japanese: Atsumi Tanezaki

Clothes: White crop button down top, long sleeve off the shoulder sleeves, black cargo pants, light purple boots with darker purple lances with white fur, white side train with purple flowers.

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