Favorite foods

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"What's your favorite food?"

Ryoko Hoshi:

"Favorite food? Hmm....Well, when I was younger, my mother always made Katsudon for me whenever I was sad. So Katsudon.




"Schnitzel Munich."

Tenshi Dei:

"My favorite food? Oh well I like a lot of food by my personal favorite is when my Nan use to make her own version of Fish 'n' Chips. She would pick potatoes from her garden, skin them, chop them up and then fry them into Chips. Then she would catch some salmon from the lake by her house, skin it, chop it, coat it in batter and then deep fry it. It tasted so good."

Kaede Almazan:

"Oh my favourite food? Well I don't really have a favorite but Grim can cook really good so I guess whatever Grim cooks, I'll take that."

Alejandro Skotadi:

"My mother made this specific dish before my father passed. It was like Enchiladas but different. She just added something in it that made it taste so good."

Kana Ayuna:

"Oh I like a lot of food. But I really really like Manakas. It like Taitaki only it's in the shape of a flower and not a fish!"

Toshi Shōmei:

"Oh my favourite food? Well I do like to call myself a fan of Unagi-No-Kabayaki. It's really good."

Katomo Haiki:

"My favorite food? Well, I know mine sounds pretty basic but I do like myself a nice bowl of Udon."

Antonio Duong:

"Hm...I don't have favorites. I simply like all food."

"He likes the food the Toshi makes him!"


Isha Byōki:

"Oh my favourite food? Well that's easy, I like Dango. Not the sweet kind, the one with the soy sauce. I usually snack on it whenever I'm making medicine.

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