Sexualities and Gender Reveal

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"What's your sexuality and gender?"

Ryoko Hoshi:

"I've always been Bisexual, but I'm also Aromantic. I was born a female but I came out as Gender fluid when I was 14."


"I'm a female....I'm also a Lesbian and Demisexual..."

Tenshi Dei:

"Well I was straight but about 2 years ago, I realized that I'm actually Heterosexual. I'm also Non-binary. I go by he/them pronouns."

Kaede Almazan:

"Oh me? Well I'm Aroace and non-binary."

Alejandro Skotadi:

"Me? Well I'm a boy so I got by he/him pronouns and I'm Ally."

Kana Ayuna:

"Oh my, I got by she/her pronouns and I'm a happy and proud Pansexual."

Toshiba Shōmei:

"I thought it was obvious? I would say I'm a Lesbian but I'm actually Venusian. If you don't know what that is, It means that I'm only attracted to women and fem-aligned nonbinary people or partial women."

"...Bust Antonio is a trans man?"

"I said partial women. Antonio still has his pus-"


Katomo Haiki:

"Oh mine is simply, I'm Bisexual and Bi-Gender but I perfer to go by she/her pronouns."

Antonio Doung:

"Well, I do6 really know how to explain it. I'm Transgender. Or well Transmasc because I could only afford top surgery. So in my case, I go by She/He pronouns but I'll take he/him pronouns more. I'm also Polysexual."

"That explains alot."

"And if I and to choice too, I would have asked Alejandro out."

"Didn't you already do that?"

"Let's not talk about that."

Isha Byōki:

"Well...I guess I can say this, I'm actually Transgender. I got both top and bottom surgery. So I'm go by She/her pronouns. I'm also Lesbian."

"Wait your Trans?"

"Yep. I hid my own secrets too."

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