Chapter 1

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Phoebe's POV

I was sitting up in my room when I heard Nora and Billy yell "NEW NEIGHBORS!" I walked downstairs to see what they were talking about and saw a moving truck parked at the house across from us.

There seemed to be a boy who looked around seventeen with (h/c) and (e/c)

"Well let's go greet them! Phoebe please go get Max" I heard my mom say I walked towards the staircase that leads to Max's "lair"

Max's POV

I was texting an old friend from metroburg who said he was moving to hiddenville. I was excited to say the least because back when I was still in metroburg at age 14...


"MAX!" a voice yelled out to me. It was (y/n)

"Hey! (Y/n)!" I responded

"Are you really going to leave soon?" he asked me

"I think.." I responded "I don't wanna leave though.."



"I have to tell you something!" he said to me awkwardly

"What's-" I couldn't finish my sentence before (y/n) gave me a kiss on my cheek. I blushed a bright pink

"I like you. A lot" he responded to me and I told him I felt the same

"Promise that even if we don't see each other for years we wait for one another?" I asked him handing out my hand with my pinky finger up

"Promise!" (y/n) smiled and wrapped his pinky around Max's

End of flashback

"Max!" I heard my name and the sound of a door opening

"What do you want Phoebe?" I asked standing up

"Mom said to come get you because there's new neighbors" she responded and my face lit up. (Y/n) said he would be in hiddenville soon but I didn't think this soon. I quickly put on my shoes and ran upstairs where I saw the rest of my family standing and waiting for me

"Oh your here" my dad said

"Let's go kids! C'mon!" my mom said as she made sure we were all present to greet the new neighbors. I was excited but didn't show it as much as Nora, Billy and Chloe did.

We walked over to the new neighbors house greeting them. My mother gave the new neighbors some cookies and went to talk with them inside with my dad, leaving me, Nora, Billy, Chloe and Phoebe with the new kid.

Billy and Nora started bombarding the new kid with questions but soon were interrupted by Phoebe telling them to calm down

Your POV

I was being bombarded by questions from Max's little siblings, Phoebe then stopped them. It took everything in me too not run and jump into Max's arms but his family didn't know about him being pansexual and stuff so, I just gave him a smile.

Max rolled his eyes and scoffed. I knew he was only acting like that, so his family wouldn't catch on so I wasn't offended.

Phoebe did smack the back of his head though which in turn caused billy, Nora and Chloe to laugh at they're older siblings

"Be nice Max" Phoebe said to her brother who just rolled his eyes at her

I chuckled softly and the Thunderman parents came outside with mine.

"It's time to go for now kids!" they're mother said and the three youngest groaned as they didn't want to leave

I waved them goodbye, and soon after I saw them walk back into they're home I got a text from Max.

Emo hero: there's a small window you can climb through by the backyard

(I forgot where the window was at so shh)

I chuckled at that an just replied with 'ok ttyl gotta unpack' he said ok

Once I finished unpacking some and setting stuff up I went to take a shower. Once I was out I blow dried my hair and, just put on a random black shirt and black jeans.

Emo hero: hello. Miss you : /

Me: hi miss u too. I'll be over soon

Emo hero: ok


Word count: 682
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