Chapter 2

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M/y/n POV

After a few hours I placed some of my pillows and stuffed animals on my bed and placed my comforter over it making sure it look liked I was asleep under it.

I went out of my window and carefully made my way outside. I made my way over to the thundermans house, I went to the side of the house max told me too. I found the window and knocked on it. Max then opened it and let me climb in.


I sat on my bed scrolling on my phone. Phoebe came in a few times and so did nora and billy. I heard a knock on my window and opened it knowing it was (M/y/n)

I helped (M/y/n) climb inside and i gave them a big huge. They hugged me back too.

"Get a room!" we heard and turned around to see colossal. I forgot he was even here.

I grabbed a blanket and threw it over his cage

"BARBBBB!!! HANKKKKK!!!" he yelled out "MAX HAS-" i opened his cage and closed his mouth

"shhhhh" i said and then put his back in his cage "shut up colossal" I whisper yelled at the white rabbit with a black circle around his eye

"no" he said blatantly "BARBBB" he yelled out again and i heard running footsteps

"shit- hide (M/Y)" I said to the (h/c) teen and he quickly hid behind the chair in my room

"what wrong? I heard yelling" my mom said as she barged into my lair

"Nothings wrong mum" i responded calmly to her

"I was just messing with colossal here because, he was going through my things"

"no h-" i covered his mouth

"right colossal" i said through my forced smile and he nodded

"o.. k? well just keep it down. We're all trying to sleep" she said. I nodded and she walked back up the staircase and back to her room. I sighed in relief but..

"your hiding something huh max?" i turned around and saw phoebe

"no? what would I have to hide?" I asked her calmly but i was sweating and cursing mentally

"um.. you have a lot to hide" she responded and walked up to me

"like what?" I asked

"Like..." she paused "well I dont know yet but I know your hiding something" she said and stormed out. I chuckled at her actions and put colossal down

"Shes gone (M/Y)" I turned to the chairs ad saw (M/Y) come out of hiding after I said it was safe to come out. After he came out of hiding he sat on one of my chairs and asked

"Did you keep your promise?" he asked softly and I nodded

"I did.. Did you..?" I asked him back and he nodded too. I softly smiled and walked over to him and bent down so i was now hovering over him. He slowly leaned towards me and our lips closed the gap in between the two of us.

We separated for air after a few seconds and we smiled at each other

"Are we together now?" He asked me softly, his face red from the kiss we just shared

"Yes.. Of course" I responded to him as I smiled at him

After a few hours we noticed it was after midnight and (M/Y) had to go home. We hugged each other goodbye and shared a quick kiss. (M/Y) climbed out of my lair through the window and crossed the road over to his house. Colossal then teased me by saying

"Max and (M/Y) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" After he said that I covered his cage with a blanket again so his words were muffled

I did chuckle at his words and teasing as I layed back on my bed and texted (M/Y) good night. He texted me good night as well and I slowly dozed off

Word count: 643

Thanks for reading! Hope you all liked this chapter and requests are open at the moment! Next chapter should be up soon!

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