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Sarah paused in writing her current story, which was about werewolves leading other mystical creatures to a new world, and stretched her arms towards the ceiling. Leaning back in her wheelchair, she read what was typed up on the computer while making edits as she went. Once finished, she decided it was time for a break. She maneuvered her wheelchair, that she now had to use, she gazed at the room that she now lived in.

The accident had caused her to stay in the hospital for about three months. Most of her injuries had healed while she was there. Her stitches were taken out pretty quickly. While her ribs, right wrist, and her leg bones had healed in about 6 weeks. Sadly though she had lost the mobility function in her legs as well some feeling. She had begun physical therapy in the hospital and Dr. Easton and the nurses were very hopeful that with time and continuous therapy she would be able to walk or gain some motor functions. Sarah tried to keep a positive attitude but sometimes to was hard due to learning how to deal with her bodies new limitations. 

 Thankfully her family continued to be there every step of the way. Karen would visit her in the hospital and learn about the different exercises as well as the different day to day life aspects Sarah may need help with. Toby when he was with Sarah took every opportunity to make Sarah laugh. He had even convinced their parents and the hospital staff that instead of having a huge birthday party with his friends, he would celebrate it at the hospital so that his Older Sister could be there. Toby with the help of Karen and Robert had prepared goody bags for Dr. Easton and  the nurses that were assigned to Sarah.  They also brought cupcakes for the rest of the hospital staff and some of the other patients. Robert would check in and visit whenever he got off work and bring anything Sarah needed. They made sure Sarah knew she was loved and that they would be there to help her.

Due to Sarah having to use a wheelchair and her new limitations it was decided that she would live with her parents, at least until she adjusted. Sarah was released from the Hospital though not without signing copies of her stories for many of the nurses there. It was now around August and when she got home, both Her Dad and Toby could not wait to show her the renovations that they had done during her three month hospital stay. They had switched the stairs that led up to the house for a ramp which made it easier to get her wheelchair in the front door. They had changed the guest bedroom and combined it with her dad's office expanding the room, which made it easier to maneuver her wheelchair around. The en suite bathroom they actually got a company to renovate it so now it had a walk-in shower and also handrails to help her. 

 Karen had helped to paint and decorate the room. The walls were painted cream and had forest green curtains to compliment. A Queen size bed with forest green bedding with a small wooden nightstand next to it was against one wall. Book shelves lined the next wall though they were only tall enough that Sarah could reach the top shelf sitting down. The walls were covered with pictures of her family and a couple of posters of her books she wrote. Karen had taken Sarah's old wooden dresser and her vanity mirror and stripped the paint off them. Once they were back to their natural wood look, she stained them giving them a warm natural wood look. But the best part was the new antique writing desk that was placed under the large windows that looked out at the backyard. Sarah could write but also enjoy the beautiful garden that Karen meticulously took care of. 

 Sarah looked around at the room and her heart filled with a warm happy feeling. She started to wheel her way to the door when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. Looking around she saw her vanity mirror seemed to ripple and when it cleared she saw Hoggle staring at her from it. Sarah smiled and wheeled closer to the mirror. Cheerfully she exclaimed "Hoggle, I'm so glad to see you." 

Sarah had been able to contact Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo from her hospital room. She assured them she was alright and explained why she wouldn't be able to contact them as often for the next few months. They were relieved to see she was mostly alright and had told her not to worry about them and to focus on herself.

 Hoggle smiled making his face more wrinkly and replied "Sarah, wonderful ta see yous. 'ow are youse doin, Little Lady?"

"I'm well." Sarah replied "I still don't have control over my legs and can't seem to feel them other than feeling colder. But the Doctor is reassuring me that I am making progress even if I can't see it yet."

 Hoggle smiled and then he went and grabbed something out of Sarah's sight. He returned with a large bouquet of flowers. He placed them close to the mirror's surface. Sarah leaned closer and placed her hands on the mirror. The surface seemed to ripple and Sarah's hands past through and she grabbed the bouquet.

She brought the bouquet to her side where she gazed at them and smelled the sweet scent. She was able to identify pink camellia and lilacs but the other flowers which were in green and white she didn't know their names. She looked at Hoggle and smiled  "Thank you. These are lovely."

Hoggle shuffled looking embarrassed "Yeah, my sons and I wanted to get youse a welcome home gift. Since we have access to the royal garden's we got permission to make the bouquet. 

 Sarah had met Hoggle's sons about two years after her Labyrinth run. They worked with Hoggle in keeping the gardens and vegetation in the Goblin Kingdom in shape and flourishing. While Hoggle was stationed mainly at the castle and the Labyrinth itself, his son's traveled around the kingdom helping with different gardening project's or agriculture projects. All three were very talented Gardener's and seemed to be able to grow just about anything. She had been given baskets of both produce and flowers that they had personally grown. His sons were very polite and well-mannered dwarfs, it had taken Sarah a couple of months to convince them to not refer to her as Lady Sarah. 

Sarah smelled the flowers again as Hoggle spoke "Wells little Lady I's got to get back to work. Glad you like the flowers."

Sarah smiled "Thank you again. Please thank your son's for me as well."

Hoggle smiled and waved as Sarah wheeled around and left to find a vase to put the flowers in. She didn't hear Hoggle muttering to someone out of sight "Next time maybe try to give it to her yourself. Instead of using me as a florist and delivery boy."

A voice responded "Be quiet, Higgle"

Author's Note: I have a hard time writing in Hoggle's voice so I may change the way he speaks in the future. Anyone know the meaning of Pink camellia or magenta lilac?

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