Help Me

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The next morning I woke up at 6:00 instead and instead of letting our cook make me breakfast I cooked it with his help. And I studied early for the test in two day then I got back in bed by 6:45 so I'd have 20 more minutes of sleep before I did the unthinkable. When I woke up The New Butler was standing there just about to wake me up which practically scared me to death but now was my chance
"Hey What's your name"
He ignored me pissing me off seeing that on this day I'm trying to turn over a new leaf
"Hello I'm talking to you"
"My name is Sean"
"Well Sean how old are you?"
"I am 18 years old"
"You in college or something"
"Yes I attend UCLA"
UCLA was the college my dad wanted me to go to but I quickly told him I didn't think so
"Do you know how to do this?"
I asked him as I pointed to my geometry material that my teacher assigned us yesterday
"All you have to do is subtract the sum of the angles from what the shape equals"
I was completely confused by what he was saying to me so I asked him to dumb it down a bit politely
"The triangle equals 180° and two of its angles equal 140° so what is the missing angle but remember tri means three"
"Oh that's how they got 40°, You're hired"
"What do you mean?"
"How would you like to make a little extra cash for tutoring me on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week?"
"That's actually pretty great"
I got dressed for school and left as usual and all day in school I couldn't help but wonder how Sean worked as my butler and went to college and where he lived, I suddenly wanted to know about this mysterious man that was My Butler.
When I got home Sean wasted no time in our study session teaching me everything that I'd been missing in school. We had got so into it, time seemed to slip by.
"Sean, it's late would you like me to take you home"
"I'd love that but your father"
"Don't worry about my father I'll handle it"
I went into daddy's office and asked him could I drive Sean home and he agreed that it was fine with him just be careful. Afterwards Sean and I got into the car and I asked him where he lived and his response sent a shock through my body
"I live in Compton"
I was striked by the words because it was so far from our Beverly Hills Mansion which made me wonder how hard it was for Sean to get to there so I asked questions

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