Paternal Reproach

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When Sean and I went to see his father in prison our lives with each other, the way I seen it it could either break us apart or bring us closer together so this is what happened. We walked into a steel covered cold prison with an open visiting area where Sean's father sat wait for us with a confused look on his face, on the other hand Sean had a big smile on his face
"Hey pops"
I said to Sean's father trying to greet him yet he just stared at me, slightly making Sean upset as his smile completely dropped "Listen pops"
"No you listen Sean"
Sean and I both sat in silence waiting for his father to say something and then he did
"Sean it's one thing to be a fucking fag but then you bring this fucking cracker to see me, I don't give a damn about your personal life but I don't like him and I don't need you or him to ever come back here, I can't believe I made such a bitch of a damn son, you are not my child"
The words to Sean to a place of anger and heartbreak as he stormed out of the prison
I screamed as I was about to go after him when his father still had nothing positive about his son
"So damn dramatic, gone an run after him cracker fag"
At that moment I wasn't gonna let this man disrespect me when he gas no room to judge and so I didn't hold anything back
"Listen here a cracker in a fucking snack, a damn fag is a cigarette and you are a fucking deadbeat jailbird and all your. Son wanted was to come and see you but no you can't just let that happen because you don't know how to deal with your kids cause you have never been there for them so when your son does something with his life don't you dare try to be there for him then no you have a nice life rapist"
As I was walking away with a completely clear mind Sean's father grabbed my hand
"What do you want bastard?"
"You know you would be my little bitch in here so Come see sometime snowflake"
He then blew me a kiss and I couldn't hold back and I back slapped him
"You could never get near me, bye bitch"
I walked out of the jail where I found Sean in his car crying and I walked up to the car and got in while Sean cried on my shoulder for a hour
"I don't understand why he doesn't accept me for who I am"
"The thing is Sean is that you can't feel bad because he doesn't accept you because that is his loss"
That night Sean and I went back to his house and laid in the bed until We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms

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