Chapter 10

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"S-sorry!" you immediately yanked yourself away from Yoongi's body as you realized you've been hugging him so tight for about 3 minutes now

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"S-sorry!" you immediately yanked yourself away from Yoongi's body as you realized you've been hugging him so tight for about 3 minutes now.

He stare at you but didn't say anything.

He straighten his shirt which was now crumpled because of you. You noticed the wet spots on his shoulder and on his chest. You look away from him, feeling so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." you said, almost whispering, eyes are fixed on your lap.

"It's fine. Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked with uncertainty in his voice.

You quickly shake your head to let him know that you don't wanna talk about the reason why you cried. The last thing you want right now is to involve anybody in your personal matter with Hoseok.

"It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it. Just eat your soup. It will get cold." Yoongi told you quietly as he scooched the bowl of soup closer to you.

Placing your hands over your face, you started to wipe the tears that's left on your cheeks. Brushing your hair with your finger and straightening your clothes. You slowly look up to Yoongi who's already looking back at you.


He was smiling at you. It was not his signature gummy smile, instead it's a soft little smile. It's like he's reassuring you through his soft smile, like he's telling you "It's okay Y/N, I got you" or maybe not, maybe you're just delusional. Whatever that smile mean, it looks really cute and adorable.

Ugh Y/N what the hell? This is not right time to fancy over his smile.

Slowly lifting the bowl of soup over your mouth, you chug it down slowly. Savoring every drop of the soup, unlike earlier when you're very eager to finish the soup so you could kick Yoongi out. You felt a little bad for thinking that way.

The soup really taste good. It taste exactly the same as the soup Hoseok always bring to you when you're sick, which somewhat became also your comfort food whenever you're not feeling well. Not to be dramatic or anything, but that soup provides you consolation and emotional comfort.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" you asked Yoongi when you realized you're the only one who's eating.

"I'm good. I ate just an hour ago. There's soup left on the stove, you can reheat if for later." you nod and Yoongi watched you gulped down the last drop of his soup.

After finishing the soup you bring the empty bowl to the sink and proceed to wash it.

"Thank you for the soup." you spoke as you went back to the table, but Yoongi wasn't on the table anymore. You walk over to the living room and find him going through your classic DVD collection.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a good movie. God, why are all these movies so old?" he utter as he keep looking on your DVD collection.

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