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Science | genetics

Dominant or recessive

Blue eyes are recessive so both of your parents have to have them for you to get them.

Brown eyes are dominant so if there was just one parent that had brown eyes or both, you'd get brown eyes.

Green eyes are dominant to blue eyes but recessive to brown eyes, so if one parent had a blue eyes and the other had green eyes, you'd get green eyes. But if one had green and one had brown, then you'd get brown eyes.

Dominant or recessive

It depends on where you live, but here brown/blackish hair dominates over every hair color.

Blond hair and red hair are both recessive.

They are all genes.


A gene is a piece of genetic information that determines a specific characteristic of an individual.

Like hair colour, eyes colour, skin colour nose length, ect
DNA, genes, and variation

* Every healthy human has 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46

* One chromosome comes from your mother and the other from your father to make a pair.

* The chromosome from each parent carries the same genes.
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid

All chromosomes are made of DNA.

DNA provides the directions to repair worn out cell parts to make new ones.

DNA also sends information from the nucleus to the organelles

If you find that you have a different eye colour than both of your parents, it could be that one of them, or both of them may have that eye colour hidden behind the colour you will see in their eyes, and thats the part you got.

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