The Four Cycles

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The four cycles
1. hydrosphere
2. geosphere
3. atmosphere
4. biosphere

Hydrosphere holds all the water on earth no matter what type or where it locates, like from water in the ocean, the lakes, and all the way to glaciers snow and ice.

Geosphere is all of the solid earth we live and regularly step on lol, and it's made of all of the rocks and minerals on earth like big boulders and volcanos to sand and mountains. Geosphere only includes non-living things.

Atmosphere contains all gases on our planet like air or carbon dioxide, you probably already know you're not really able to see or grasp it but it is always everywhere.

Troposphere is the lowest layer of earths surface and it contains 80% of to air on the planet and that's also where weather takes place.

Right above the troposphere is the stratosphere, there is no weather there and it has much less air, but has important gases that help absorb harmful rays from the sun.

Above that is the mesosphere, it is the coldest layer of the atmosphere and and there's almost no breathable air.

Over that is the thermosphere where you may bump into satellites going around the planet.

And the very last layer of atmosphere before outer space is the exosphere, it's the highest you can go while still being considered on earth.

Biosphere is all living things on earth it includes similar regions like plants, animals, climate, and terrain. Places like deserts forests, grasslands wetlands, animals, grass and rainforests are all a part of the biosphere.

There should be a picture at the top, and it was made by me on ibisPaint X so yuh

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