Planet part? Outer space

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So this isn't as well done has the others but remember just notes


Inner planets and rocky,small, hot , and close to the sun.

Outer planets are cold large and full of gas and farther from the sun.

The outer planets are Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, and Neptune.

Inner planets are mercury,Venus,Earth, and Mars.

A shooting star that is also called a meteor and it burns up while entering Earths center.

A piece of rock floating in space is also called a asteroid

Comets go around the sun in highly elliptical orbit.

The planets orbit the sun in oval shape paths called ellipses.

A crater is a circle marking the surface of a planet or moon

A piece of rock left over from large meteoroid that hasn't burned everything up before hitting earth is meteorite

Comet has tail and goes around sun

Venous is hottest

Uranus is 90-degree angle spinning

Murcury is smallest


The study of movements,structures and evolution celestial body's.

Witch celestial body has the most gravitational force.
The sun

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

What is the order of the objects from smallest to largest.
Moon, Planet, star, galaxy, universe.

The sun is primarily make of hydrogen.

The suns energy comes from nuclear fusion.

Meteorite is a rock that hasn't completely burned up before hitting earths surface.

The phrases of the evolutional star 30 times larger than our sun.
Nebula, red supergiant, supernova, black hole.

Corona is outer layer of sun.

Jupiter has a storm on its surface that earth can see

The study of movement structure in evolution of celestial bodies is called astronomy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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