Airports Suck🥺

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Mexico was simultaneously the best and worst place to play. It was amazing because the shows were electric, the fans were absolutely ecstatic to see the band and be at the show, and they were so supportive.

The problem was... the fans were so ecstatic.

The airport was filled with Black Veil fans when the doors opened. The crowd immediately swarmed the band, asking for selfies, autographs and just simply wanting to say hi.

That was fine obviously, the band loved their fans and were used to how hyped the mexico fans were whenever they came to town. But this time around, the crowd honed in on only one member.

"Move back, make some room!" The head of security, Yanni instructed the seemingly ever growing crowd surrounding Andy. He had six bodyguards around him, but that didn't seem to deter the fans from trying to get through so Andy would sign stuff for them.

"It's fine." Andy said, just wanting to get out of the airport.

"We have five band members, we don't need everyone over here!" Yanni shouted as the crowd kept pushing further in, nearly swallowing the security guards surrounding Yanni and Andy. It was suffocating.

Andy waved at the fans, forcing a smile as stressed settled in, there were so many people and they wouldn't back up. "Hi, hello. Thank you." He said as fans shouted at him. He wasn't really sure what to say or who to say it to.

"Back up!" Yanni yelled, looking like he was two seconds away from shoving people as someone else tried to shove their way through to get Andy to sign something or take a photo.

"It's fine!" Andy huffed, signing the poster. He understood why Yanni was being so gruff(he preferred it honestly) but he still couldn't bring himself to disappoint a fan.

It was so overwhelming. Usually the fans were spread out amongst the entire band, but not this year apparently.

Someone grabbed Andy's arm suddenly and Yanni saw red. "Hey! Do not fucking touch him! Back the fuck up!" He yelled, pushing the fan away from the singer roughly.

Andy flinched hard at that, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. He started looking around, desperate for a way out of the crowd, but the security detail had their arms locked together in a ring around Andy and were essentially bulldozing through the crowd and sweeping the singer up along with them.

"Yanni, I dont like this. Break them up, I'm starting to get really claustrophobic." Andy said, feeling shaky. His vision was starting to tunnel and his heart was racing in his chest. He needed to get out of there. Now.

"Okay, Drew." Yanni nodded, looking at his friend in concern before he turned back to the crowd. "Okay, everyone fucking move back and make space now!" He no longer cared and just started pushing people when they kept trying to get close.

That seemed to do nothing, if anything they moved closer. Andy could feel the panic attack approaching rapidly. Yanni didn't seem to be too perturbed by that though since he just kept yelling at the fans to back up and pushing anyone that got too close to Andy.

"Andy, sign this!"


"Sign this for me, Andy!"


"Andy you're my hero!"


"Andy, what's the setlist?"


"Andy, take a photo with me!"



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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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