The Calm Before The Storm

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I made myself a plate and sat down awkwardly with Steve and Robin.

"So who is it?" Steve asks looking at me for a second, I stop chewing to look at him.

"Um I think I'll keep this private." I reply knowing Steve will freak if I told him the truth.

"Why? We're your best friends, you usually tell us." Robin says not looking up from her plate.

"It's just different, I don't want him or me to be judged. Plus I don't wanna hurt his feelings" I say, feeling my face heat up.

"It's Munson it has to be Munson right!!" Steve shouts out while laughing. At this point I was starting to get annoyed,

"Why can't you respect my boundaries just this once, if it was a little hook up I would tell you but it feels different this time." I say looking down at my food.

"Because you can trust us and if you think it's serious we won't tell anyone." Robin says lifting her eyebrows up and down, mocking the situation.

"Please just stop, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone so that's that."

"Jesus y/n your never like this" Steve adds in with an eye roll,

"Sassy Steve huh?" I ask with a laugh and he gives another exaggerated eye roll. I go outside for a cigarette and come back in to sit down, after a bit of talking and watching tv Steve speaks up. 

"Alright better get home right Robin." Steve says huffing and standing up.

"Yea it's getting late but y/n you have to tell us who this mystery man is"

"We can talk about it another time or something, it's just not right yet." I say as they leave and I hear them talking between themselves as I closed the door.

I walk back to my bedroom to see Billy asleep sprawled all over the bed and my mind began to wonder, I basically run to the phone to call max and see if she was ok on her own tonight, she said she had Lucas over and was glad Billy wouldn't be there to scare Lucas off. I laugh at her comment,

"Have a good night Max but be safe." I say before hanging the phone on the wall again. I get dressed into pjs in my room thinking Billy was asleep but I must've woken him,

"Ready for round 2 Henderson?" I hear before spinning around, at that point all I was wearing was a pair of shorts.

"No just coming to keep you warm don't get your hopes up Hargrove" I say sending him a wink before pulling a singlet over my head. I climb into bed facing him, our eyes danced before he got closer and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. I slightly laughed,

"What" he asked pulling back and staring into my soul with a soft smile plastered on his lips, he really was gorgeous.

"Nothing... Your just sweet sometimes." I say causing him to smile.

"Only to the ones I like." He tells me while reaching his arm around me, scooting closer and putting his head above mine. In my mind I see a big red flag, but I ignore it while turning over and scooting back into him.


8:30 came around, it was Monday now and I was getting ready to head to school. I put my converses on before checking if I looked ok in the mirror,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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