Blind date

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Lan Xichen was surprised to see his little brother putting so much effort to get ready for going out but he helped him anyway. Usually Lan zhan would wear a plain white button up shirt with off white dress pants for casual occasion. Today however, Xichen was able to convince him to wear a powder blue shirt paired with a black pant.

Xichen knew that there was something Lan zhan wasn't telling him but he wasn't going to pry into his little brother's private matters. Lan zhan's eyes were shining brighter than ever which indicated his happiness. Xichen was satisfied as long as his little brother was happy.

Lan zhan arrived at the cafe, 30 minutes earlier than Wei wuxian had told. He ordered a black coffee as he waited for the troublemaker. His eyes were stuck on the clock, which later got stuck to the door as soon as it turned 7:00 o'clock. Unfortunately there was no sign of the troublemaker yet.

Half an hour and a couple of more coffees later, Wei wuxian finally showed up with no remorse whatsoever for being so fashionably late. He had his stupid grin plastered on his face as he arrived at Lan zhan's table.

Wei wuxian sat in front of him,"Thank you for coming and sorry for being late. Your date takes quite a while to get ready"

Lan zhan was looking normal from outside but his heart was beating faster with every passing moment,"Mn"

Wei wuxian finally noticed Lan zhan's outfit and whistled,"Wow, who could have thought that you look so breathtakingly handsome when you are not wearing funeral clothes"

Lan zhan squinted his eyes at the comment. Wei wuxian shrugged his hands,"It's supposed to be a compliment so just take it"

Lan zhan didn't felt the need to say anything so he took a sip of his coffee that had been left neglected since the troublemaker came here. Suddenly Wei wuxian stood up and waved his hand to someone. Lan zhan didn't spare even a glance to whoever it was.

Wei wuxian,"You don't need to wait any longer, your date is here"

Lan zhan tried to not choke on his coffee as he tried to put on a composed posture, he couldn't understand what was happening. As Lan zhan was trying to understand what Wei wuxian meant, the troublemaker was already gone.

Lan zhan frowned when he saw who took a seat in front of him instead of Wei wuxian. Lan zhan finally understood what he meant by his date was here, Wei wuxian hadn't planned to go on a date with Lan zhan. The troublemaker set up a blind date for Lan zhan and....................... mianmian.

Mianmian,"So, are you going to say something?"

Lan zhan didn't missed a second before replying,"This is a misunderstanding"

Mianmian was taken aback by such upfront statement,"Wei wuxian said that you like me"

Lan zhan said immediately,"I don't" without looking at her

Mianmian,"I thought so but he kept insisting so I had to come here and ask you myself"

Lan zhan put his cup down,"He's an idiot"

Mianmian,"That I can agree on"

Lan zhan,"I'm sorry to cut this short but I wasn't expecting you as my date today, now I need to leave" he said before getting up from his seat.

Mianmian also got up,"No worries, I'll also get back home"

Lan zhan was fuming with anger as he stomped out of the cafe then headed towards the Jiang residence.


Wei wuxian was happily laying on his bed after arranging a date for his best friend. Although his bubble burst when the said best friend stormed in his room and grabbed him by the collar. Jiang cheng came rushing behind him but stopped at the threshold.

Lan zhan looked angry and conflicted at the same time. After a few seconds of eye contact he threw Wei wuxian on his bed and walked out just as Jiang cheng was about to step in.

Jiang cheng looked puzzled,"What was that about? What did you do now?"

Wei wuxian was confused himself,"I set up a blind date for him with mianmian"

Jiang cheng,"You really are a troublemaker, now he will hate you if he didn't already" he walked away without paying a second glance to Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian didn't move from where he had been thrown and looked at the ceiling,"What did I do wrong? Why was Lan zhan so mad?"

Next day:

Wei wuxian couldn't sleep the whole night and walked out of the house at the crack of dawn to Lan zhan's house. To his surprise, the house looked surprisingly empty. He then walked around for a bit then headed to the market to grab some breakfast.

On his way Wei wuxian saw a light blue sweater with a bunny printed at the front. He had to buy it and that's what he did. Wei wuxian packed it into a box and attached a hand written note on it as an apology for whatever he did wrong and put it in Lan zhan's front door.


Present day:

"Sir" a voice brought Lan zhan back into the present time. He was still in the conference room as others were looking at him for the answers he didn't had at the moment. His secretary looked at him with a shocked expression.

Lan zhan cleared his voice,"I'm not feeling well today so this meeting will be continued tomorrow" Everyone had no option but to agree as he walked out of the room.

Lan zhan reached home and opened his closet. He opened a hidden drawer and pulled out the sweater gifted by Wei wuxian along with the note that came with it.

"Dear Lan zhan, I'm sorry. I know I've somehow hurted you and for that I can't forgive myself but I hope you will. If you don't want to see me ever again, then just send it back to me and you'll never have to encounter me again"

"I wish I could have told you the truth back then, but I'm not going to make that mistake once again" Lan zhan spoke to himself as he held the sweater tight against his chest.

A/N: Sorry for being an irresponsible author and keep you all waiting for so long but to be honest I don't have the energy to write anything these days. I'm trying to manage everything and failing miserably but I'll try to update the book as soon as I can.

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