Blood bound | chapter 1.

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When I was around 7, I've been wanting to become a vampire. I know how that sounds, but I was a bit edgy I guess. Actually no, I was a very happy kid,, great parents, a sister and a dog. A stereotypical family written like in a book. Anyway, when I had my 10th birthday I made a teny tiny mistake. I guess one, that changed my life forever?

We had a lake a few steps away from our backyard. My parents told me about a "story" that if you wish for something from the depths of your heart it'll come true. I always believed what they told me but after a few years they just stopped. I guess they thought I was too old.
After my sister was born it wasn't even brought up.
At the age of 8 I told my mom about my "dream", of course she laughed and told me "that's a dream for your next life" I was sad, but I kept on dreaming. I read too many books.
Back to the day of my 10th birthday. This year I'd try my luck at the lake again.
I blew out the candles and wished for something, I could see my parents's face. They knew what I wished for.
"Grow up son. Focus on real things!" I was angry. "Brother, mom told me you can have those dreams until you turn 10! I'll be ten in two years!" I got up and ran straight up to my room. I glanced back for a second and saw that my father was very disappointed. I don't blame him. Imagen your kid said he wants to be a fucking vampire. I think they thought something was genuinely wrong with me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 18 ⏰

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