6- "Cage an eagle and it will bite."

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"Cage an eagle, and it will bite at the wires, be they of iron or of gold." ~ Henrik Ibsen, The Vikings of Helgeland

Thanks to the Serenity Draught, Prisoner 112 enjoyed a peaceful night's sleep, free from the torment of nightmares that usually plagued her.

As the morning sunlight filtered through the window, she woke up feeling remarkably refreshed. Slowly stretching her limbs, she couldn't help but notice the lingering soreness in her muscles.

It was as if she had completed a marathon or an intense workout session. With a sleepy yawn, she slowly rose from her bed, half-expecting the familiar head rush that usually accompanied such movements.

Yet, to her surprise, it did not come. Curious, she made her way to the mirror, her steps steady and her vision clear.

The healers must've healed me all night.

She looked good. There was a stark difference between her looks today and yesterday.

A hint of colour had returned to her cheeks, which no longer appeared sunken. Inhaling deeply, she savoured the sensation of breathing without the burden of pain in her lungs.

The persistent ache in her throat had also subsided. Overall, she felt stronger; she wasn't as lightheaded anymore.

Her stomach growled with hunger, and right on cue, Murata entered the room, carrying a plate of steaming hot food.

"Your breakfast, my lady," Murata announced cheerfully, setting the tray down on the table.

The tantalising sight of sunny-side-up eggs, crispy bacon, cheese slices, toasted bread, and a steaming pot of coffee made her mouth water.

It had been too long since she had indulged in the simple pleasure of a comforting hot meal while in good health.

"You're already looking better, my lady. Give it a week, and you'll be fit as a horse," Murata remarked, surveying her with a discerning eye.

Fit as a horse for breeding...

The thought of being fit for breeding made her stomach churn uneasily.

Sensing her discomfort, Murata continued, "Healer Sibyan dispatched eleven of the finest healers to tend to you through the night. They spared no effort in their work. She will come by the end of the week to check your progress."

Deep down, Prisoner 112 and Murata both understood that this gesture of kindness wasn't solely for her well-being; it was undoubtedly an order from Məhv Edən, serving his agenda.

You have to prepare and feed the lamb before sacrificing it.

Murata sensed the unspoken tension hanging in the air and fell silent, her gaze fixed on Prisoner 112.

When no words followed, she cleared her throat softly and continued, "I had a conversation with Məhv Edən last night, after you retired for the evening. He was inquiring about your overall well-being. I told him about the kāhin's behaviour. I can safely say that he won't be setting foot in this mansion anymore."

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