The Watcher

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Monday, approximately 4:15 pm, the 4 of us are on the bus on the multiverse road to our next destination to see if we can find different versions of our parallel universe's friends. Maurice said, "Uh Mark, you said someone or something's been following us since D26?" "Yeah, I sensed it as soon as we got back to Graffiti Pier. Maybe it was one of D26's purging folks or something. I hope it was, though..." Kim said, "You sure it was one of the people? Because it definitely felt like it wasn't from my universe." Even Jay said, "Who knows. Maybe it's one of those skin walkers or zombies that was sent to follow us or maybe protect us." I've had doubts on the fact that whatever was following us is a protector. Maybe this being is hostile or it just wants to talk... either way, I just want to make peace with this being. So we got off at the next parallel universe, and I've checked it off as E27, and I'm already sensing that Sev is going to be here. As we went through the wormhole, I've sensed that being is right on our tail. "Get down!" As I shouted to everyone, it came flying through the portal, and as I looked up at it, it was a demon-based form, but half breed. Sev had looked over to where the 4 of us was at, and he said, "Oh shit! Mickey, Jay Uso, Kimster, and Splinter!" I was relieved that he instantly knew it was us, but this universe seems relatively dark, like it was a mixture of a paradise for emos and goths. The main colors here were red and black as well as neon colors. "Not going to lie, I like this mood." Maurice said, as he looked around. Sev immediately realizes that we're not from his universe and gave us the ropes. "Ard so this universe, as y'all can see, is a way of calling it goth world, home to the demons and emos. It's dark at all times of day, and the only light you'll basically see is the full blood moon at maximum size, neon lights and colors, and some LED lights. Reese, Jay, y'all are the vampire king and queen here. Kim....I don't know how to put this, but you didn't make it. Mark, you made a decision to become the king of demons while Kristina is your queen." Kim said, "Wait wait wait wait wait hold up, what do you mean I didn't make it?" Sev said, "This world is too demonic for you to the point you died of shock. It's too hard core for you here, well, at least this universe version of you." I said, "Wait a minute, I'm the king of all demons? Aaaand Kristina is my queen of the demons? Well, I be damned. That makes more sense of why that demonic creature was following us." Sev replied, "Yeah, man. Technically, we all are supposed to be worshipping you right now, but you're at your throne, getting it down right now." "Oh shit, I see what you mean. At least I'm on top of the world here, but I wonder who was that demon that was following us though..." "That demon? Oh that was your sister." I paused for a second and had to think, "my sister? Whole else would be my sister and fol- ohhhhhhhhh. It's Hush. Nevermind." It all made sense to me. It's like in movies I see a unique, different version of her, but when I randomly see her in person, I don't recognize her at first. It's funny because it's vice versa with her, too. She don't recognize if it's me or not, so that adds on to why we were being followed. I shout, "Yo Rae!" Fortunately she responds and comes down to us. "Markus?? My big little brother, is that really you? Oh my God what the hell are you doing here?" Raenae says it in utter shock. "Heyyyy what a huge coincidence. Wait so why were you following us from the previous dimension?" I replied to her in confusion. I can automatically sense that she's from my universe, even though it's a multiverse and there's multiple versions of her as well. Rae replies, "Oh I was on my way to this dimension. Remember all of those times where I talk about the underworld and when you asked me to be the most unbothered person in the universe? You somehow achieved that goal here in this universe and became a Supreme ruler of this universe. Sometimes I come here to check up on you about your progress as well as to make sure the balance is still intact." I just stood there in shock but filled with joyfulness at the same time because it's technically one of my goals. Jay said, "At least that solves our problems of being watched like a hawk." Rae quickly responded, "Oh no you're still being followed, but not by me though. Just make sure you guys watch your backs when you venture through the multiverse. In case you do run into some problems, here's this so y'all won't have to worry about anything." I asked, "Wait Rae, what is this?" "Oh it's a demon transformer. You can simply hit the button on it and whoever touches it, releases their full potential with their energy, fused with a powerful demon. Anyways, I gotta go. I'll see you guys later, I hope." "See you soon, big little sis! Oh yeah, sorry for not introducing her. That's my non-blooded sister Raenae, half person, half demon. Maurice remembers her, at least from my dimension." Reese said, "Oh no you introduced me to her on the 18 bus in my universe, too." Since I know now we're being followed, I rather take a safety risk but still want to check out this universe a little bit. I looked at the time on my phone at it says "six six six o'clock" as the sky turns blood red. It feels like we were in an apocalypse, despite it's just purgatory. Sev said, "Hey Mark, you sure you want to explore here a bit, bro? If you're curious on where's your home or throne is at, it's actually up at your house." "Really now? I thought I'd have my throne somewhere huge like a mansion but it makes sense to keep it comfortable and just build on top of what's a project already. I'm tempted to see it." So we was lucky enough to get a luxury ride to my throne since my face was recognized. Reese said, "Good to see yourself in this universe kept the transit running here." "That's one thing about me. No matter what different version of me, I'm still going to love the transportation industry." I said to him with confidence. During the ride, I saw ads with 3 area codes; 666, 223, and 445. "In my universe, the area codes are 215, 267, and 610, not this." At least the closer we get, I can sense something and I'm not the only one that senses something. Jay, Kim, and Reese sensed that same feeling. Sev said, "You guys getting that same feeling? This reminds me of a movie I can't remember the name of." Kim said, "Oh, Spider-Man through the multiverse when they had the spider sense at the same time?" "Yes! It's exactly like that!" Sev replies. As we get closer and closer, I feel like this turned into some type of boss battle, like a combination of when you fight evil Adam West and "Welcome to Planktopolis, Minions" from the SpongeBob movie game. "This is as far as I can go, you on your own. Good luck, dead meat." As the driver said after dropping us off around the corner. I know how the logic of the multiverse works on if you kill someone here, that person dies across the multiverse. I had to make sure to everyone knows that the logic applies, in case if we had to kill someone. I see demons hovering around in a circle above my house and I think I see Ryan in a cage, locked up, but don't know why. "Kristina, how could you do this to me, out of all people?" As Ryan said in despair. "Oh I don't know, just wanted to add you to the collection of mine to fuel my energy." As Kristina responds in an evil style tone. Sev said to us, "Oh yeah that's one thing I forgot to tell y'all. Ryan was doing the same thing you guys were doing and was caught by Maurice here, down at Graffiti Pier." "That's crazy because it's the same style we're using to travel across the multiverse." Jay said to Sev. Told everyone to keep their distance and stay stealth so we don't end up in a cage. I use my camera to zoom in to the throne and I see myself and Kristina, doing a "love style" like the Adams family does it. Myself is just kissing on her hand to her neck then suddenly, "SMACK!" I turned around to see where did Jay go and I see her up to where myself from this universe is at. "I couldn't just stand here and see Mark and Kristina make out like this while my friend Ryan is locked up like this." Jay stated with confidence. Somehow, she got a lock and free Ryan, then came back to us as fast as possible. "After them!" As E27 myself shouted. Next moment, we see a huge black cat and a huge black dog, charging at us. I said, "Wait a minute, is that Smokey and Isley? Get in the van, guys, I got an idea. Isley, sit! Isley, sit!" Fortunately, he recognized who I was and stayed. Even my cat refused to do anything. I hear myself yell, "If I want a job done right, I have to do it myself." After he said those words, he gave Kristina a kiss on the cheek and said that he'll be right back, then started chasing us with a jetpack. "So wait, how does he have both a jetpack and wings?" Kim said, confused. "I don't know, man. He does have a mindset like I do on having a plan A and plan B with anything." I said to her, while going 100 mph. Fortunately in this universe, the driving laws don't exist like that since "I" ruled the world. "You made a big mistake coming here and stealing my wife's prize! Now you all must pay the price of death!" E27 Mark yelled as he's keeping the pace with our van. Fortunately, I told Maurice to activate the device as soon as possible so when we get to Graffiti Pier, all he can do is press the button. "Let's get the absolute fuck out of here!" I shout as soon as the wormhole opened. It shut just in time when we made it through. "Okay sooo, what the fuck was that all about back there? Mark, why are you an evil supreme ruler of an universe?" Ryan said, in shock and confusion. "Bro. I legitimately don't even know what's all that about back there. I'm just glad we got you out of there." I had to park the van real quick or see if I could park the van on the multiverse road but in ways, it was impossible. "Ard so since I can't park, we got no choice but to venture on to the next universe because I need to calm down." I said with adrenaline flowing through me. "Man, you ain't the only one that needs a break real quick." Jay said while she was in the back, as shook as ever. At last, we arrive in this next universe and before we park, I marked it off as F28. The first person we notice is Kristina at Graffiti Pier and Kim is confused on why she's there. "Kim you know her longer, I think it's better off that you talk and negotiate with her." Sev says, while trying to get his vape. Kim said, "Yeeeah good point. I'll be back." While we were sitting for a minute, I had to look and see for anything was following us, just to make sure we're in the clear. "So Mark. How did you find out about all of this "multiverse travel" and portals through wormholes?" Ryan asked me, concerned. "Good question, but I need to hear your side of this story before I tell you anything." "Ard so, since Mondays are my normal days off, I decided to go looking around for places I want to do photoshoots at, since you're a photographer in my universe as well, and making a big buck from it. I decided to head to Graffiti Pier and scope out any opportunities. Next thing I know, I see a bright light glowing, I went to it to check it out, then boom. I'm in a wormhole to another dimension and saw Kristina there. I told her that I'm not from here and you know where everyone else is at? She took me to your place, Mark, and suddenly I was in a cage. I did notice how everything is blood red, neon bright colors, and the blood moon but I'm thinking I was high out of my mind so it didn't phase me. Luckily if it wasn't for Sev, I wouldn't been trapped there to probably die." All of us was surprised except for Sev, since he know how his universe is. "Well, since we got most of us here fortunately, y'all want to go to Ryan's universe?" Everyone basically said sure, why not. We didn't want to ditch our van, since it's big enough to literally fit 10 people and it's so fast, Reese and I were convinced that it had 400 horsepower or something. After everything was settled, we ventured on to the next.

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