The Confusion

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Monday, 5:36pm. We landed in Ryan's dimension, and immediately, it seemed.... right. "It felt like we just turned into anime characters." Jay told us, while Ryan seems confused. Kim immediately turned on her selfie camera on all of us, and as soon as she took the photo, we legitimately did look like anime characters. "Heh, never knew that it was possible that we can change looks the second we enter a new universe. Though they used that logic in games and shows, it actually makes sense. I love it." I was thinking outloud to myself again, like usual. This universe is pretty much the exact same copy as mine, except everything is in anime-style. "So Ryan, what are the differences between your universe and at least with the one we came from?" Kim asked while being curious. "I'm curious, myself," Reese said as well. Pretty much all of us were curious about the differences. Ryan explained it like this, "Okay so, pretty much besides the looks, our group is pretty much the same. Jay and Reese, you're a thing. Kim, you live with your cousins over in West Philly. Mark, you still live up in uptown with your mom and stepdad. There is no trash anywhere on the streets. People are at peace, and yeah. That's pretty much it. Oh, one more thing. The dogs are very fluffy, no matter what size, and the cats from house cats to lions, etc, are small." "Well I be damned. It sounds exactly like my universe, with the exception of the trash, peaceful people, and animals." I said while being flabbergasted. "Oh wow, it sounds a little bit like mine." Reese said while being intrigued. Jay said, "It sounds like Japan, but wait, how come in every universe except mine, I'm with Reese?" Ryan replied, "That's the thing with the multiverse. You won't get everything exactly the same thing in every universe. It's like we were in Hell just now, and it feels like you're in Heaven here. It's the differences that count." Jay finally understood the concept to a good extent. The multiverse is a powerful concept that takes time to understand, but for some, he understands the concept at a much quicker pace due to whatever talents they were given. Who knows, maybe the talent is having ADHD and wants to seal the cracks of not understanding certain things here and there. I've noticed something and told everyone, "Wait. It feels cooler here, and the temperature feels like how the season is supposed to be. Holy shit, I think global warming doesn't exist here." "Global who?" Ryan asked in confusion. "Guys, I don't think global warming ever existed here like it does in our universes. I think we truly stumbled upon Utopia." I hear someone walking our direction. Suddenly, I hear the same origin story we all gave here. "This fits the vibe of my shots just fine!" Jay said to me while we're hiding, "Uh, why does he sound like you, Mark?" So, I took a glimpse, and I was shocked to find out that it was actually me, but from this universe. He looks thinner here, too, but it feels like I'm looking in a mirror. Damn, I was too focused on escaping from purgatory to the point I forgot to mark this universe as F28. "Mark! Over here, buddy!" Ryan shouts, trying to get the F28 version of me's attention. "Oh shit, Ryan? I can't believe it's you! Wait, what are you doing here?" So I try to prepare myself and prepare us for this introduction. I know that since this is multiverse travel, I can see myself, and nothing really happens. If this was time travel, though, I would've been screwed in multiple ways than one. I said to my F28 self, "Is that really me? I can't believe I'm actually seeing myself, but do you have the same energy? Same nonsense that happened back in December? Same folks you had to cut off? Etc?" "Yup. Same ol'bullshit, same energy that's part of why I'm a part of one of the greatest groups of people ever." As we're talking to each other, we're literally mirroring our every move, but in an anime style. I want to bring myself along with the journey, but I don't want to cause any crazy rift in the universe or have myself on the multiverse road at the same time. We both were in shock, but we're just enjoying ourselves' company because we both knew this probably wouldn't happen ever again. "So, Marks or DaMarkuses." Jay said to s, while we're driving from Graffiti Pier. "She calls you that, too?" F28 said. "Yup." Jay continued and said, "What's the plan? We got you, Reese, me, Kim, Sev, and Ryan, and only been to a few universes." I replied, "Oh, we ain't done yet. We're missing Kristina and KiKi. It's only 5:47pm. We got until what, call it a curfew at 9:30?" Everyone said it's fine with them. I did think to myself, how do I keep finding everyone at the same spot every time we enter a new universe, but I didn't overthink it too much. It does seem like it's a bit huge of a coincidence, but it doesn't add up since it gets later into the day. Regardless, I'm glad the time still works in these past multiverses like it has in mine, except the purgatory version. "Wow, everything looks so different here." Kim said while gazing out of the window. We all went up to my house first, since it's the furthest way, as well as I wanted to see my dogs. "If things here are truly like mine, I wonder if you have Blue and Half." "Oh we definitely have those 2 dogs. Isley passed a while back, that death was painful to me, but Smokey is still here, too." "Ah, I remember when he was a kitten and" "puked on the blanket!" "It's like we're..." "...thinking the same thing..." "at the same time!" Both of myselves were talking with each other and reminiscing about our pets. "Everything's good, Kim?" Asked Sev. "Yeah, I'm fine, bro. I'm just amazed at how wonderful this place looks." We finally arrived at my place, and it's still daylight outside. Sun is up in the sky like it's the summertime, but it's in the sky at a 75% angle. "Hmmm, I'm surprised mom ain't home." F28 said. The dogs came running to the door as soon as it opened, and of course, both of them looked confused because they saw 2 mes instead of one. Who wouldn't be surprised? Jay, Reese, and Kim came inside to see the dogs, while Sev and Ryan stayed outside to smoke weed. "Awww, look at the cute babies! Look at the babies! Come to Mama Jay! Come here, boys!" As Jay plays with the dogs, me and myself went to look around the house to see if there's any type of differences. "Ard everyone, it's getting a bit late, so I think we need to continue on. Oh yeah, me, one question. What's the area codes here?" "The area codes are 223, 305, and 621." "Interesting but it's crazy that it's 621. But it was really a pleasure seeing myself and this wonderful universe. I really don't want to leave but we have to." I gave him a dap into a hug as well as he's saying his goodbyes to everyone. "Ryan! Are we still on for hanging out the following Monday?" My F28 self yelled. Ryan replied back, saying, "Yeah, we still on. Just remind everyone else." We left at a decent time to make it back to Graffiti Pier by no later than 6:30pm. Fortunately, since everything was in anime-style, we were able to get there by 6:20pm. "Everyone all set? Bathroom breaks and food stops are done?" Everyone was fine. The portal opened, and we went through the wormhole to the multiverse road. "I'm really going to miss that place.", said Sev. We all agreed with him and also agreed to definitely revisit that universe. Despite us traveling through the multiverse, I wondered if there's one that my sister Tai is still alive in. I asked everyone, "Have y'all thought out of all of this traveling, those who past on and that we missed dearly, still exist in these alternate universes?" Reese said, "Come to think about it, I never really thought about it." Nobody else really did think about that too much because of what has already happened, happened in the past. Reese came back to us, thought wise, and said, "Matter a fact, yeah, there is one thing I miss. It's block parties. I miss having block parties where everyone was having BBQs, people was going to each other houses, and I never had yo worry about no bullshit." Kim said, "Yeah, before these non-stop purges, I really do miss attending block parties. I miss jamming to the music, then Mr. Softee shows up to give everyone ice cream." Sev cuts in, "Oh my God, I miss Mr. Softee! Nothing was more iconic than seeing him pulling up to the end of the block after we're playing tag and manhunt." We're all reminiscing about the old days when block parties were a thing everywhere during the time we were kids. The wormhole opens and transports us to the next dimension. I asked Reese to mark this place down as G29 so I don't have to worry about forgetting to do so. I just slapped myself in the face, and Jay asked, "Why did you just do that to yourself?" I told them, "So my friend from my universe, named Josiah-", Reese cuts in, "He's in mine, too. I know who you're talking about." "That's good. But this dude named Josiah, he's a huge fan of a bus that has an engine with that as a model number. Any bus with that has their VIN number start with G29. That's why I slapped myself." Then I realized that I slapped myself for no reason because I mix the 2 up. After I explained that part to them, Reese says to me, "Good job, sir," sarcasticly like usual. That's what happens when you go universe to universe. Your memory might go in disoriented but not fully, though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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