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A girl about six years of age was sitting in her small bedroom

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A girl about six years of age was sitting in her small bedroom. She appears to be sitting near her door. She was holding a stuffed animal. It was a white tiger. It was missing an eye but the small girl loved it to death.

Her older brother got for her with his first ever pay check. The girl yawned, she was super tired from the day before. The many noises coming from down the stairs. But what really woke the girl up was the jazzy music and the somewhat loud chatters of people. She ponders if her older brother is awake as well because of the noises.

Her head started to hurt because of the chatter from downstairs that became louder. She should be used to this by now. But she is still growing. She rubbed her eyes as her room door began to open with small creaking. She looked up slightly only to see her older brother and his tired raccoon eyes.

The older teen sighs. He was still in his work uniform. "[Name], come here sweetness." He called out to the small girl. The teenager hated nights like this. Nights like this meant that their parents where back from a year long business trip. They would only be here for a day.

Just a day! Just a day to unpack and clean their dirty laundry from the trip, just to pack once more to leave for another year long trip. Same old same old. The teen never understood it, they were rich. But he thinks there is more to it...

The little girl stretched her arms out to him. The older teen grabbed her plushed toy before picking her up. "I'm sorry, I left for to long." He was apologetic to the small sleepy girl. This little girl was the light of his life. The girl yawned once more.

The drowsiness of sleep was taking over. "Let's take you to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow." The teen took his little sister to his own bedroom. He opened his door. The teen soon closed it behind him. He placed his sister on his bed. He tucked her into the bed with her plushed toy. "..."

He was still and just silent, he was looking at his sister's blissful sleeping face. "Good, happy you can rest now." Talking to himself. He has been doing that way to much lately... The teen took some more pleasant clothing from his wardrobe.

He left the room and headed towards to the bathroom on this floor... He didn't want to go downstairs at the moment. He quickly took a shower and got into those comfortable clothes. As the teen boy walked through the humble hall. He can hear his parents and some of their colleagues talking...

He could smell cigars and hear cans and bottles of beer and shochu being opened. Rolling his eyes he went back to his bedroom, closing the door behind him, locking it just in case if a drunk parent or colleague walks in. Rare but it has happened... Having a fear of what they'd would do to him or his sister was something...

The teen boy climbed into his bed, hugging his little sister so protectively while he cried a bit... He almost hated his situation. What a lonely boy he was. At least he had his light in his arms once more. The teen soon fell asleep after an hour of crying.

-Dearest, Lemonade 🍋🍮💛

I hope that was pretty good! This is actually a WIP I made in a notepad. Enjoy.. Maybe I'll post the next part sooner.

[Name] Byakko The SweetWhere stories live. Discover now