Chapter 28 - Edited

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(Maya) "I wanna see it." – I stand from the couch.

I reach for the crutches that are leant on the wall and I get out of the house with Mason following me.

(Maya) "Great, now where to?"

(Mason) "I have no idea... Hey, man!" – he yells for some guy who is walking on the street, if we can call it that.

"Yeah?" – he asks confused because he clearly has no idea who's Mason or even me.

(Mason) "George brought a car here, do you know where to?"

"I heard something about it... There." – he points to a huge garage.

(Mason) "Thanks."

The guy walks away and we go to the garage. When I lay my eyes on everything, I see my demolished beautiful baby.

(Maya) "Oh my god..."

I walk to it and I put my hands on what's left of the hood.

(Maya) "You just had one day..."

(Mason) "Your father said he could fix it so I'm sure you'll be able to drive it in no time."

I sigh and nod.

(Mason) "Come on, it's almost time for dinner."

We both leave the garage and return to the house. When we enter, we see everyone in the living room, just standing there.

(Maya) "What's going on?"

(George) "Christopher Hale went to your old house. He noticed you weren't there and now he's looking for you." – he nods to Mason.

(Mason) "How do you know that?"

(George) "I had some people surveying the house in case anyone showed up."

(Maya) "So what now?"

(George) "Now, more than ever, you need to stay here and we will work on something."

Mason nods and George slams his hands together.

(George) "Alright, let's have dinner!"

(Mike) "Where? We haven't done anything..."

(George) "We have two cooks who are also our maids."

(Olivia) "Isn't that a bit sexist?"

(George) "We're paying them. Besides they are married to two of my men."

What the fuck?! He said he left my mom because it was a dangerous life for us and there are women living here with them?!

Yes, I know his reasons, I was conscious yesterday even though I couldn't move. I heard him saying that he did it to protect me... but he still left.

I clench my jaw and I can feel that Mace noticed because his hand is on my back now.

(Rob) "Okay, so can we eat? I'm starving."

(George) "Yes. Follow me."

He walks past me and they all follow him out of the house. Mason nods his head for me, asking what's wrong. I just shake my head for him to drop the subject and I follow them too.

We keep walking until we reach a small house, more like an apartment, judging from the sight on the outside. When we enter, we see a huge table with probably seats for about fifty people.

(Rick) "What is this place?"

(George) "This is where we eat. We all eat together."

There are a lot of people already here. Some are sitting by the table and some are standing on some sort of circle, engaged on a conversation but they all stop what they are doing and look to my father, slightly lowering their head as a sign of respect.

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